January 24th
Blog Post

Dear Parents,
Thank you to all the parents who helped organize a wonderful celebration of the Lunar New Year. The parent dance was a highlight. Thank you also to our Parent Association for donating funds to this event. A reminder that the school campus will be closed next week on Wednesday, January 29th, to observe the Chinese New Year. The school will resume at the normal times on Thursday, January 30th. May this Chinese New Year bring you and your family joy and prosperity. |
The reports are available to view today after 3:00 PM
STARTING: After School Activities (ASAs) Session 2
Thank you to everyone who signed up for ASA Session 2. The sessions start again on Monday, January 27th.
Teachers Teaching Teachers
This week, ISY proudly hosted the Teachers Teaching Teachers Conference, uniting educators from across Yangon to collaborate, engage, and grow under the inspiring theme “Growing Lifelong Learners.“. The event showcased ISY’s mission to nurture compassionate global citizens and our vision of fostering lifelong learning in an ever-changing world. We are especially proud of our ISY presenters, who truly embodied the spirit and theme of the conference. Their dedication, passion, and expertise brought the conference to life and served as shining examples of the qualities we strive to cultivate in our students.
Gala Tickets
Early Bird Special Ticket Price:
USD 55 per person
USD 530 for a table of 10 people

Check out the new IB Video here
This dedicated page showcases our rich history, key milestones, and the incredible stories that make ISY the vibrant community it is today. Please take a moment to explore the page and join us in celebrating our legacy, starting with the official kick-off at tomorrow’s Family Fun Fair.
Let’s honor our past, celebrate the present, and look forward to a bright future together! Visit the ISY Legacy page here.
Warm regards,
Ms. Sandy Sheppard

Movie Night for Elementary School
Child Protection at ISY
ISY takes great pride in being a leader in the educational community when it comes to child safety, placing the well-being of our students at the forefront of our mission. Our child protection policy, in place since 2016 and updated annually, adheres to best practices and incorporates progressive strategies to ensure a safe learning environment. This comprehensive policy includes regular training for all employees, thorough background checks and reference screenings, a personal safety curriculum for students, clear reporting procedures, and a robust code of conduct. Each component of the policy is designed with a student-centered approach, reinforcing our unwavering commitment to child protection. This year, ISY is partnering with a respected child protection community leader to review and enhance our policy, further affirming our dedication to providing the highest standard of care and safeguarding for our students. The complete policy can be found here and on our website in both English and Myanmar.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please contact the ISY counselors, Patty Amundson-Geisel at escounselor@isyedu.org or Mick Amundson-Geisel at mamundson@isyedu.org.

Spirit Week is coming soon; here are the details.
ISY in the news: Service Learning in Action
We’re thrilled to be featured in the EARCOS Triannual (ET) Journal Winter 2025 issue. Don’t miss this inspiring feature that puts the spotlight on our community’s dedication to shaping a better world. Here’s to the power of service and education at ISY! 👉 Check out the article here 👈
Celebrate ISY’s 70 Years at the 6th Annual Fundraising Gala!
Saturday, March 29, 2025, at 6:00PM | Melia Hotel Yangon
Join us for an evening of timeless traditions, community, and global impact. Proceeds from this event will support the Chinthe Fund and its community initiatives.
Ticket Information
Stay tuned for the Early Bird Special Ticket Sales, opening January 15, 2025.
To reserve tickets in advance, please contact our Advancement Associate – May Su Yadanar Bo at +95-9-880-441-040 or mbo@isyedu.org.
Don’t miss this special evening.
Visit the ISY Gala page for details.
We look forward to celebrating with you!
Note: This event is for guests aged 18+; student attendance is limited to approved performers.
Dates to Remember
24th January – Reports are available
27th January – Round 2 of ASA’s begin
29th January – Chinese New Year Holiday
7th February – Elementary Movie Night – 6:00 PM
12th February – Union Day Holiday
25th – 27th February – Grade 5 Chinthe Expedition
27 – 28th February – Visiting Author – Mr John Coy
3rd – 7th March – Book Week
Check the Winners List:
Please check the full list of prizes to see if you won a prize.
How to Collect Your Prize:
Bring your ticket to claim your prize.
Please see Ms. May Su Yadanar BO (ISY Advancement Associate) in B Building (upstairs) during school hours.
Unclaimed Prizes:
Prizes not collected by the end of January will be included in a lucky draw at a staff event.
Thank you once again for your incredible support and for making this event meaningful.
Upstanders at ISY
“Do your little bit of good where you are: it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” -Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Here at ISY, we work hard to develop the values of service and community. This is seen throughout our curriculum, classrooms, and play spaces. In the coming weeks, Life Skills will be focused on personal safety. A key element of this unit across all grades is the concept of being an upstander. An upstander is a person who, when witnessing unkindness, takes action or “stands up” to stop the unkindness and to support those being hurt. Although there are many ways a student can be an upstander, we often describe four strategies.
Be a Buddy: Unkindness often targets those who seem isolated or alone. Simply stepping up to be a friend can make a significant difference. Unkindness is much harder to continue when someone is there to offer support and connection.
Interrupt: When students witness unkindness, a small interruption—such as a distraction or a light-hearted joke—can shift the dynamic and create an opportunity for the interaction to take a more positive turn.
Speak Out: This strategy is often the most difficult and takes some courage, as it requires students to confront the unkindness directly. We teach students to identify unkindness and tell it to stop, reinforcing that such behavior has no place in our community.
Tell Someone: If unkindness persists, students are encouraged to report it to a trusted adult. We teach them that seeking help for repeated unkindness is important and is not the same as tattling.
Please speak with your child about these strategies and practice them. Students who are prepared are much more confident upstanders. If you have any questions about these strategies or need support for your child or your family, please reach out to me, Ms. Patty, at escounselor@isyedu.org.
Thank you for partnering with us.
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040