Secondary Principal’s Blog

June 3, 2022, Update

Christina Powers, Secondary School Principal

The 2021-2022 school year has been nothing short of extraordinary. Now as the year is almost over, it is important to reflect and realize that what we once thought was impossible to overcome has been achieved. Not only did the ISY student body adapt to another year of online learning they persevered and now we are back together on a campus filled with laughter, cheer, and energy. It is my hope that as we reflect upon the year, we acknowledge that when forced to face a situation we were able to do so. We did what we once thought was impossible and as we move into a new school year we take with us this understanding. Don’t let obstacles stand in your way and remember you can do the impossible, after all, we are Chinthes.

The end of the school year is always bitter-sweet. Many of our students are excited about the summer but will miss being around friends. Not to mention, some of us will be saying goodbye to some dear friends, which is never an easy thing to do. In spite of this, we encourage you to take the time to say goodbye no matter how challenging it may be and always remember once a Chinthe Always a Chinthe.

If you are withdrawing your children from ISY please be sure to complete the withdrawal form which can be found on PowerSchool.

  • This upcoming week will be classed as normal. On Thursday, high school students will rotate through their classes in order to take care of any last bit of business.
  • Report cards will be available on Power School on Thursday morning.
  • Friday will be an early release at 11:30 and a special schedule will be in place for this day as we prepare for the summer holiday.

We look forward to celebrating this years moving on ceremony on Friday in the ISY Gym. We look forward to seeing out grade 8 parents there. 

We will have a short and informal celebration to acknowledge their transition to High School. 



  • Reports cards will be available on Power School on Thursday  morning.
  • Friday will be an early release at 11:30 and a special schedule will be in place for this day as we prepare for the summer holiday.
  • Middle school and High School will have an awards assembly on Friday for students. Online students will be able to join through zoom.

iMPACT 2022 “It begins with us”

This Friday our Middle School students completed their three-week iMPACT festival. iMPACT is a 3-week, 3-stage, learning event, combining service to the community with core academic standards. This festival gave students throughout the middle school the chance to learn new skills, apply theory to practice, and become agents of positive change for the local and global community.

Our students in cross-age teams researched ways in which they can make an impact in their local community. The event columnated with students presenting to their peers, teachers, and parents  In addition, we were joined by community members who are experts in developing programs that help others. The experts were able to share ideas and helped us select this year’s iMPACT Award winner which went to the Water and Sanitary Health Hygiene (Wash)team. Where they focused on findings ways to provide clean water to local communities.

Mississippi Challenge
Dr. Hedger and Max have been making great progress on their Mississippi River challenge since they started last Saturday. Conditions were tough in the first few days but have been good over the last two days.  A video of their launch can be seen on our YouTube Channel and a post on our website has information of their first two days.   You can follow Dr. Hedger and Max’s progress further on Dr. Hedger’s blog.

     “Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” ― Barack Obama

    iMPACT 2022