SEASAC Golf 2019 – Rules
Rules, format, eligibility
- Each SEASAC school may enter up to 6 male golfers and up to 6 female golfers (all golfers must meet SEASAC Handicap guidelines)
- Minimum number for full SEASAC participation points is 2 for girls and 4 for boys.
- The competition shall be in accordance with the Rules of Golf as approved by R&A Rules.
- The competition will be held over 2 days and will cater to both male and female golfers.
- Schools are encouraged to arrive on the Thursday before the official SEASAC Golf tournament in time to play an unofficial scramble teams event. The format of this event is at the discretion of the SEASAC Golf organising school. Some options may include a 2 ball best ball, a 3 ball best ball or a Stableford competition.
- For the individual competition, the winner will be the lowest Gross score over 36 holes (2 x 18 holes over a 2 day tournament). There is no net or handicap competition.
- For the Boys team competition the winning team will be the lowest Gross score of its best 4 golfers gross score on each of the two days. This is calculated each day and combined. So on Day 1 Golfers A, B, C and D shoot 70, 75, 80, 85 and golfers E and F shoot 90 and 95. The team score is 70+75+80+85 = 310. On Day 2 the best 4 scores are combined again. These scores may come from different members of the same team. For example Golfers B, C, D, and F may shoot 70,75, 80 and 85, Golfers A E may shoot 90 and 95, the Team Score on Day 2 is 310. The Team Competition Score is the best combined score when Day 1 and Day 2 Team Score is combined. In the example above this will be 620.
- For the Girls team competition the winning team will be the lowest Gross score of its best 2 golfers gross score. Using the same formula as above adding Day 1 + Day 2 Scores.
- Players need to have an official handicap of 36 or better to be eligible to participate in the tournament. ADs will check the handicap of the students and current handicap level rules still apply. Players must adhere to scoring regulations identified by the TD.
- There will be a meeting before the tournament starts where captains of each team will attend and the rules of the tournament/scoring will be finalized. In each foursome players will be paired up and will mark each other’s score with the proviso that 2 players from each school do not mark each others. The caddies will confirm the score with players after each hole.
- Course tee box
SEASAC Championship Flight Day 1 & 2 – Boys Blue ~ Girls Red
Technical Regulations
- Disqualifications – any team member, who has been disqualified during the first round under the rules of golf, may continue to play again as a team member on the subsequent day unless otherwise decided by the organizing committee. Disqualifications – any team member, who has been disqualified during the first round under the rules of golf, may continue to play again as a team member on the subsequent day unless otherwise decided by the organizing committee.
- Tie breaker team – in the event of a tie for first place between two teams or more, a play-off stroke play will be held at hole no. 18 until the winner is determined between one nominated player on each side. In the event of the tying teams for second and third places, the best score of the 3 aggregate best scores of the 18 holes (1-18) of the final round will decide the winner. If the tying teams have the same score for the 18 holes, the best score of the last nine holes (10-18), last six holes (13-18), last three holes (16-18) and finally 19th hole, through the 1st hole of the final round will decide the winner.
- Specification of the ball – during a stipulated round, the ball a player plays must be on the current list of Conforming Golf Balls issued by the R&A.
- Starting time – if a player arrives at his or her starting point, ready to play, within 5 minutes after his or her starting time, in the absence of circumstances that warrant waiving the penalty of disqualification. The penalty for failure to start on time is two strokes at the first hole. Penalty for lateness beyond 5 minutes is disqualification.
- Caddie – only Club’s caddies are allowed in this tournament.
- Scoring area – a scorecard is considered officially ‘returned’ when the player has left the scoring area.
- Suspension of play Discontinued play: if during the tournament it becomes necessary to suspend play, three consecutive notes, repeated, will be sounded on a klaxon/siren or notification will be otherwise communicated to the players. On being advised of suspension, competitors must not play any shot from the teeing ground unless any player in his or her group has commenced play of the hole. Dangerous situation: if during play, it becomes necessary to suspend play for dangerous situation (e.g., lightning), players must discontinue play immediately. A suspension for a dangerous situation will be signaled by a prolonged note of the klaxon/siren. There must be a lightning meter on the course and a method to notify all golfers. Resumption of play: as soon as conditions allow play to be resumed, two short blasts on the klaxon/siren will be sounded or notification will otherwise be communicated to the players. On being advised of the resumption, play will be recommence immediately by all competitors on the course. Indefinite suspended play Day 1: if weather is such that Day 1 is unable to be completed, the tournament will simply become an 18 hole event rather than the intended 36 hole event.
- Conduct – the committee may disqualify a player for improper behavior or conduct, such as the use of undesirable language (abusive language) and any public display of anger while in the tournament area or within the stipulated round, the rules official may give penalty: 1st time – verbal warning 2nd time – two strokes penalty 3rd time – disqualification Parents, coaches, team manager and supporters are allowed on the course provided they remain strictly on the buggy path. They are not allowed to advise participants during the play (except with the official Team Captain). A spectator who disregards this rule may cause the competitor to be disqualified from the tournament, especially if the person has already been warned by the tournament officials.
- Handphones – communication devices are strictly NOT permitted on the course. If used, they shall be confiscated.
- Protest – disputes or protests must be made to the tournament committee. The tournament committee’s decision shall be final. 11. Inclement weather – in case of inclement weather, the tournament committee’s decision will be final.12. Playing groups (4’s) should be a mixture of students from 4 different schools.
- Inclement weather – in case of inclement weather, the tournament committee’s decision will be final.
- Playing groups (4’s) should be a mixture of students from 4 different schools.