Secondary Principal’s Blog

September 11, 2020, Update

Christina Powers, Secondary School Principal

Thank you for attending this year’s Virtual Back to School Night. It was great to see many familiar faces. Just a reminder that even though we can not meet in person, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to schedule a virtual meeting with me or the classroom teacher. If you were not able to attend the meeting, I would like to encourage you to reach out to the teacher directly. If you are a middle school parent, I have provided you with links to the middle school presentation which includes handouts and teacher emails.

Back to School Night Presentations for Middle School 

As we continue learning virtualy remember….

A great way to support your child is to provide them with a quiet space to where they can work and learn. 


Parent and Student Survey Results:

Below are areas mentioned in the survey that need addressing: 

  • Increase the amount of time between Breaks
  • Ensure instructions are clearly articulated (submitting tasks- deadlines)
  • Continue to utilize strategies or tools that will increase student collaboration which will increase engagement.
  • Look for ways to engage students outside of classes- Service Learning and ASA activities.

As a result of this feedback, the secondary school is adjusting in the following manner:

  • The secondary school will be rolling out an adjusted schedule with longer passing time between classes. This information will be emailed to students and will be discussed in advisory rooms on Monday.
  • Teachers will continue to utilize approaches that will increase student engagement and cooperation.
  • Teachers especialy in Middle School will ensure that the directions propvided to students are clear and persise. In addition in Middle School we will begin to have small group sessions where all middle school students are checked in with weekly. We hope this will be an additional support to ensure students are thriving while virtualy learning.
  • In addition parents and students can look forward to the start of ASA’ s and Service Learning. Sign ups for these activities will begin next week. We look forward to being able to engage our students in these cooperative engaging activities.