April 21 2023,
Athletics and Activities

Dear Chinthes,
I hope you all had a nice holiday and a great week back at school. Things have been relatively quiet over the last few weeks, athletic wise, with not a lot of sports happening. However, that will change soon.
This weekend is the tri-sports tournament. This tournament is played over three sports but with the same players in each team for each sport. Continue reading below for more information.
Today the trials for the middle school badminton team were held. All middle school students received an email about this trial earlier this week.
No Monday, sign ups will open for some extra activities for our elementary students for after school time. Please read below if this interests you.
High School Athletics
This weekend ISY has three teams competing in the tri-sports tournament. In this tournament the same teams play each other in three sports. This means that each team has 10-12 team members and they are not allowed to change the team members for different sports. The teams have to use the same members for each sport.
The three sports are volleyball, football and basketball. Volleyball will be played at International School Myanmar on Saturday morning. The football will be played at South Dagon field on Sunday morning. The basketball will be played at ISY on Sunday afternoon.
This tournament is a very popular tournament amongst the students and we wish our teams all the very best of luck and skill.
Extra Activities for Elementary School
For the next seven weeks there will be some extra activities for elementary school students to sign up to and participate in. Some of these activities will need signing up to, some will be drop in activities and some will have a fee.
Some of the activities students will need to sign up for. A couple of the activities will have a maximum number that can do it, or, there is a fee charged for it. One of the activities will be a drop in activity. A brop in activity is that a student can arrange with their parents that they will participate in that activity for that day and go to it after school.
All activities will run from 2:25-3:05.
Here is a list of the activities and days and the full details can be seen on this download.
Monday: Power Soccer (Fee = $25 USD)
Power Soccer will be held on the field with the usual, expert coaches.
Tuesday: SCUBA (Fee = Kyat 199,500)
SCUBA will be run by the usual expert SCUBA trainers.
Tuesday: SEAL: Social & Emotional Learning through the Arts (Sign up activity)
SEAL classes will be split into two sections. Both sections will run for three weeks and will be for grades 2-5.
Wednesday: Basketball (Drop in activity)
Basketball will be in the gym every Wednesday. This will be a drop in sessions. Please make sure your child understands if they are attending this session and that they will be picked up at 3:05.
Thursday: Touch Rugby (Fee = Kyat 35,000)
Touch rugby will continue on Thursday under the expert guidance of your coaches.
Thursday: SCUBA (Fee = Kyat 199,500)
SCUBA will be run by the usual expert SCUBA trainers.
Friday: Drama (Sign up)
This will be your chance to create a drama in a group.
The SEAL activities will be split into two 3 lesson sessions. The groups will be grades 4 and 5 and then grades 2 and 3.
Session 1: Grades 4 and 5 (May 2, May 9 and 16)
Session 2: Grades 2 and 3 (May 23, 30 and June 6)
Drama class will be similarly split into two sessions.
Session 1: Grades 4 and 5 (April 28, May 5 and 12)
Session 2: Grades 2 and 3 (May 19, 26 and June 2)
All sign ups to these activities are on PowerSchool.
Community Activities
Zumba classes are on every Tuesday in room 200W. These classes are fun and an easy way to get moving. There is a supportive group of community members attending that will make you feel welcome. The cost is 15,000MMK for each person for each class. You simply pay the instructor.
What: Zumba
Where: 200W (Above the fitness room)
When: 4:00-5:00 every Tuesday
Cost: 15,000 MMK per person per class
Why: For fitness and fun!
Swim Team
The swimming team will continue their training. The secondary school team trains on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and the elementary school team trains on Monday and Friday.
Facility Schedules
May the 1st and 3rd there are public holidays. This will affect some facilities at ISY.
On May the 1st and 3rd the pool and inside gym (basketball courts) will be closed. All other areas will remain open as normal.
All other schedules will remain the same.
Please remember that to use any of ISY’s facilities you must fill out the booking form.
Tennis Court
Weekdays 2:30-6:00PM
Weekends 8:00AM-5:00PM
(Middle and elementary school students need to be accompanied by an adult)
Swimming Pool
Open 6 – 7:30 AM Monday – Friday
Monday 5-6 PM
Tuesday 3:30-6 PM
Wednesday 5-6 PM
Thursday 3:30-6 PM
Friday 5-6 PM
Open Saturday 8 AM – 12 PM
Closed Sunday
(Please note to use the Swimming Pool you must book your place)
Fitness/Weights Room
Closed 7 AM – 2:30 PM (School hours)
24 hours (Please note to use the Weights/Fitness Room you must book your place)
**Please note** The Fitness/Weights Room is busy with a lot of equipment in it. Could all users please tidy up after themselves. This means wiping down equipment after using them and returning all weights and moveable equipment back to its correct place. This will make for a much more pleasant experience for everyone!
HS students may use the Fitness/weights Weights Room unsupervised.
MS students may use the Fitness/Weights Room only with adult supervision.
ES students are not allowed in the Fitness/Weights Room.
Outdoor Areas
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 3:30 – 6 PM
The Field
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the field will be used until 5:30 for ISY sports teams practice.
(Please note that to use the Outdoor Spaces you must book your place)
8 AM – 6 PM
**These times may change once more sports start up at ISY**
Questions or More Information
As always, if you have any questions about what is in this blog or anything else that you may think of related to activities or athletics please feel free to contact me at:
Kindest regards,
Mr. Jonathan O’Sullivan
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040