August 18 2023,
Athletics and Activities

Dear Chinthes,
It is a pleasure to welcome back all our returning ISY community members and to extend a very warm welcome to our new community members. This blog is where you will find all the information you will need about Athletics and Activities at ISY. This year we will be building on the great work that was done in Athletics and Activities by everyone involved last year.
After School Activities (ASA) will start on the 28th of August and sign ups will open next week. Please read carefully the information below about how to sign up for the first session of activities. If you are returning to ISY, ASA sign ups will follow the same process as the last ASA session. If you are new, I encourage you to very carefully read the After School Activities section of this blog. It has very important information about how, when and where to sign up for ASAs as well as all the relevant links.
Next week we will start high school athletics with volleyball trials, please read below if you are interested. High school football will also start soon. Middle school athletics will start soon as well so if you are interested please look at that section of this blog for some information about it. The swim team trials will also be held next week. Read below for more information on the swim team as we look to expand and strengthen our ISY swimming squad.
After School Activities
The First Session of After School Activities (ASAs) will begin on August 28th. Sign up for the individual activities will begin on this coming Monday 21st August at 7pm. This session will follow the same process as last time in that only 2 activities will be able to be selected on the first day. Then, on the second day, Tuesday 22nd at 7pm, all other choices will become available. We find that this is a fairer method to allow people the best chance to get their top choices. The sign-up system will close on Wednesday at 7pm.
The ASA session 1 Brochure Link is here. Be sure to have a look at it ready for the sign-up process. Also, if you haven’t signed in to PowerSchool in a while, then it might be a good idea to sign in beforehand. For any issues with PowerSchool, contact the PowerSchool support team at
ASAs have limited numbers and some are highly sought after. Although we try our best to accommodate everyone, sometimes there are simply not enough places. Please review the information carefully and be ready to sign up for any top choices.
Secondary School Service Learning Requirements:
Middle School
Middle School (Grade 6-8) students are expected to take at least one Service Learning ASA per year.
High School
In addition to being encouraged to participate in existing Service Learning ASAs, Grade 9 and 10 students will develop their own Service Learning project or ASA for other ISY students to participate in with the support of ISY faculty. Grade 11 and 12 students will engage in Service Learning through the IB Diploma Programme’s Creativity, Activity, and Service requirement.
Elementary School Athletics
Swim team trials will be held next week. Please read below in “Swim Team” for information on how to sign up and what is expected of swimmers.
Middle School Athletics
Middle school basketball season will start soon. Please look out for information about basketball next week. Middle school sports will be run on Wednesday and Friday. Everyone is welcome to come to practice and improve their skills. Middle school basketball is for boys and girls. There will be some games against other schools and for these games teams will be selected.
Swim team trials will be held next week. Please read below in “Swim Team” for information on how to sign up and what is expected of swimmers.
High School Athletics
High school athletics will be starting very soon. Volleyball trials will start next week and football will start soon after. If you are interested in playing high school volleyball or football and maybe going to SEASAC please add your names to the sign up sheets outside the gym doors.
Swim team trials will be held next week. Please read below in “Swim Team” for information on how to sign up and what is expected of swimmers.
Swim Team
Swim team trials will start next week at ISY. If you would like your child to try out please fill in this form.
Please note the ISY swim team is for students that want to be in the swim team. The swim team is a commitment of time and responsibility. Practice sessions are for training only and not a time for play. Elementary swimmers are to attend a minimum of two training sessions a week.
ES swim team tryout time and date – 2:30 to 4 PM, August 22nd, 2023
Tryout distances and strokes – 25m x 2 times
(i) 25m Freestyle (front crawl)
After the freestyle trial , rest time and
(ii) 25m backstroke or breaststroke (nonstop swim)
MS/HS swim team tryout time and date – 2:40 to 4 PM, August 21st, 2023
Try out distance and stroke is 100m IM
IM means Individual Medley (25m butterfly / 25m backstroke/ 25m breaststroke stroke /25m freestyle)
100m is 4 lengths of the ISY school swimming pool (nonstop swim)
On trail day
Please bring your own swimsuit, goggles and swim cap (if the swimmer has sholder length hair).
Bring a big towel or warm clothes (when they have rest time, swimmers can wear their towel to keep them warm).
Parents are welcome to come and watch.
Swim Team Practice Times
ES: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday – 2:20 to 3:20 pm (students must attend at least 2 practices a week)
MSHS: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday – 3:30 to 5:00 PM and every Tuesday and Thursday – 6:45 to 7:45 AM.
Facility Schedules
ISY facilities are open and ready to be enjoyed by the ISY community. You will be able to see below the available times to different facilities.
Please note, to use ISY facilities you MUST use this booking form. This form also includes a liability waver.
Tennis Court
Weekdays 2:30-6:00PM
Weekends 8:00AM-5:00PM
(Middle and elementary school students need to be accompanied by an adult)
Swimming Pool
Open 6:30 – 7:30 AM Monday – Friday
Monday 5-6 PM
Tuesday 3:30-6 PM
Wednesday 5-6 PM
Thursday 3:30-6 PM
Friday 5-6 PM
Open Saturday 8 AM – 12 PM
Closed Sunday
(Please note to use the Swimming Pool you must book your place)
Fitness/Weights Room
Closed 7 AM – 2:30 PM (School hours)
24 hours (Please note to use the Weights/Fitness Room you must book your place)
**Please note** The Fitness/Weights Room is busy with a lot of equipment in it. Could all users please tidy up after themselves. This means wiping down equipment after using them and returning all weights and moveable equipment back to its correct place. This will make for a much more pleasant experience for everyone!
HS students may use the Fitness/weights Weights Room unsupervised.
MS students may use the Fitness/Weights Room only with adult supervision.
ES students are not allowed in the Fitness/Weights Room.
Outdoor Areas
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 3:30 – 6 PM
The Field
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the field will be used until 5:30 for ISY sports teams practice.
(Please note that to use the Outdoor Spaces you must book your place)
8 AM – 6 PM
**These times may change once more sports start up at ISY**
Questions or More Information
As always, if you have any questions about what is in this blog or anything else that you may think of related to activities or athletics please feel free to contact me at:
Kindest regards,
Mr. Jonathan O’Sullivan
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040