December 2 2022,
Athletics and Activities

Dear Chinthes,
Football fever is upon us here at ISY. On Wednesday, ISY hosted two Yangon Athletic Conference (YAC) football semi finals. Please read below to see how our teams performed. Wednesday was a busy day at ISY as we also hosted ILBC International School middle school volleyball teams. ILBC brought over A and B girls and boys teams to play our girls and boys’ squads. Continue reading to find out about these matches.
The facilities schedule will change over the winter holiday. Please read on to find out how this may affect you.
Upcoming Athletics
Middle School Volleyball:
Wednesday and Friday 3:30-4:30PM: Volleyball practice
Monday 5th, December : Girls and boys game Vs International School Myanmar @ ISY 3:30 start
Wednesday 7th, December : Girls and boys game Vs ILBC International School (ILBC) @ ILBC 3:30 start
Saturday 10th, December: End of Season Tournament @ Yangon International School
High School Football:
Friday 2nd, December 3:30-4:30 PM: Girls 3rd/4th Playoff Vs Yangon International School at South Dagon Field
Friday 2nd, December 4:30-5:30 PM: Boys Final Vs International School Myanmar at South Dagon Field
Middle School (MS) Athletics
On Wednesday ISY hosted four ILBC international School girls and boys middle school volleyball teams. This was a great opportunity for the volleyball squads to get some quality court time. ISY continues to set the pace when it comes to volleyball in Yangon.
Our girls and boys middle school teams played four games in total and they won them all. ILBC International School were able to keep pace for some parts of the matches but in the end our ISY teams were better.
There is a healthy amount of depth in the ISY volleyball program.
High School (HS) Athletics
ISY boys are through to the Yangon Athletic Conference (YAC) final and the girls will play for 3rd and 4th.
On Wednesday ISY hosted the International School Myanmar (ISM) girls and the ILBC International School boys football football teams. These were the YAC football semifinals.
The afternoon started with the girls’ match. The ISY girls team has been playing well in the lead up to this semi final. Expectations were high for another quality display. However, sport can be cruel and unpredictable and this is not a true reflection of the great season our girls team has had.
ISM started strong and put early pressure on ISY. This resulted in an early goal to ISM. ISM also applied slightly different tactics that would prove the difference in the end with two more goals to ISM. In the end the ISY girls lost 0-3.
The girls will now play for 3rd and 4th against Yangon International School today at 3:30 on South Dagon Field. We all wish them the very best for this match!
The boys football team had better fortune for their game. The ISY Boys team are unbeaten in the YAC league so far this year and desperately wanted to keep that going for this knockout game.
The boys went up early to an opportunist goal and lead 1-0. Then ILBC crafted a fine goal to put the pressure back onto the ISY team. And our boys responded in style. The ISY boys tormented the ILBC defense and in the end scored 8 goals! This left the final score 8-1.
The boys will now play for the championship today at South Dagon field at 4:20.
Would you believe that basketball season starts next week?! Some of our basketballers have been playing scrimmage games for a few weeks now but now it is time to start trials and training.
Trials for both the high school girls and boys teams will start on Tuesday, the 6th of December at 3:30.

Facility Schedules
Over the December Holiday the facilities schedule will change slightly.
On December 22nd and January 4th the pool and gym will be closed for public holidays, however the weights/fitness room and outdoor areas will remain open as normal.
From December 17th to January 8th, the pool will be open from 8 AM to 12 PM. All other areas will be open as normal.
Schedule from 17th Dec to 8th Jan
Fitness Room: Open as usual
GYM: Open as usual but closed on public holidays
Pool: Open until 12 noon and closed on public holidays
Outdoor: Open as usual
This is just a reminder that our facilities booking form and Liability waiver form, are now combined on the same form for ease of use. Please remember that to use any of ISY’s facilities you must fill out the booking form.
Regular Schedule
Swimming Pool
Open 6 – 7:30 AM Monday – Friday
Monday 5-6 PM
Tuesday 3:30-6 PM
Wednesday 5-6 PM
Thursday 3:30-6 PM
Friday 5-6 PM
Open Saturday 8 AM – 12 PM
Closed Sunday
(Please note to use the Swimming Pool you must book your place)
Fitness/Weights Room
Closed 7 AM – 2:30 PM (School hours)
24 hours (Please note to use the Weights/Fitness Room you must book your place)
**Please note** The Fitness/Weights Room is busy with a lot of equipment in it. Could all users please tidy up after themselves. This means wiping down equipment after using them and returning all weights and moveable equipment back to its correct place. This will make for a much more pleasant experience for everyone!
HS students may use the Fitness/weights Weights Room unsupervised.
MS students may use the Fitness/Weights Room only with adult supervision.
ES students are not allowed in the Fitness/Weights Room.
Outdoor Areas
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 3:30 – 6 PM
The Field
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the field will be used until 5:30 for ISY sports teams practice.
(Please note that to use the Outdoor Spaces you must book your place)
8 AM – 6 PM
**These times may change once more sports start up at ISY**
Repeated Notice
Our wonderful head swimming coach, Coach Moe, will be leaving ISY at the end of December. She will be moving to Malaysia and has secured a job as a swim coach there. I am sure that everyone in ISY will join me in wishing her the best of luck in her new job and life.
ISY is hosting a farewell party for Coach Moe on the 10th of December from 11AM-1PM. There will be some fun pool games and fun races. Everyone is invited to come and show their appreciation of Coach Moe and what she has done for the ISY swim program.
With Coach Moe moving on, ISY has been searching for the best person to fill her place. I am pleased to announce that ISY has secured the services of a new head swim coach. The new head coach will be Coach Chu. She will take over the role in January but will start at ISY on Monday so she can get a chance to familiarize herself with the ISY swim program before Coach Moe leaves. Please pass by the pool and introduce yourself to Coach Chu.
Coach Chu is a former national swim team member. She is a certified International Swimming Coach, awarded by the ITK Internationaler Trainer Kurs, from the University of Leipzig, Germany. Coach Chu has a Bachelor Degree of Science focusing on Sports. She also comes to us with 17 years of experience in swimming and swim coaching.
After School Activities: ASA
After school activities have finished for the first session. The next session will start at the end of January. Please look out for more information about ASAs in January.
Questions or More Information
As always, if you have any questions about what is in this blog or anything else that you may think of related to activities or athletics please feel free to contact me at:
Kindest regards,
Mr. Jonathan O’Sullivan
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040