Athletics and Activities Blog

May 24, 2024
Athletics and Activities

Jonathan O’Sullivan –  Athletics and Activities Coordinator

Dear Chinthes,

Last night the ISY gym was the host of the ISY SEASAC Awards Ceremony. This was an event that celebrated the students that have represented ISY over the year in SEASAC sports and events. This would also mark the return of the ISY Athlete of the Year. Please see below the names of the award recipients and more information about this event.
Saturday was a busy day here at ISY. ISY hosted the Yangon Athletic Conference (YAC) high school badminton tournament and the YAC swim meet. Both of these events were a huge success. Please continue to read below for more information on how these events turned out.
On Saturday the Tri-Sports tournament will start. Please read below for details about this exciting event.

Upcoming Athletic Events and Practices

High School Events

Tri-Sports Football, May 25 at South Dagon Field

Tri-Sports basketball, May 30 at M5 Sports Complex

Tri-Sports Volleyball, May 31 at M5 Sports Complex

Practice Times

ES Swim Team:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2:20-3:20 PM

MS and HS Swim Team:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 3:30-5:00 PM
Tuesday and Thursday 6:45-7:45 AM

    Community Sports Group

    The Community Sports Group has started the ISY Football Mini-league. The first games were successfully held on Wednesday with the second round today (Friday). This is a very popular tournament and from what I hear from the first round of games it will continue to be a popular tournament for this year and for years to come!

    For more information on the tournament and the Community Sports Group please follow this link to their website.

      SEASAC Awards Ceremony

      After an absence of some years it was wonderful to present the ISY Athlete of the Year last night at the SEASAC Awards Ceremony. In last night’s ceremony we recognised all our students that have represented ISY in SEASAC sports and events. This is important because our students are hard working young adults. We expect a lot from them in the classroom and then ask them to represent the school to the best of their ability. This can be a lot for a young person to take on, yet, these ISY students do it. And they do it well. They commit to training, playing, traveling and then fulfill all their academic responsibilities as well.
      Two of these students deserve special mention above all the other outstanding girls and boys that have represented ISY this year. These would be our girl and boy ISY Athlete of the Year. To be an athlete of the year you must be good at sport, but there is far more to being the athlete of the year than that. Whoever receives this accolade wins this award as much for what they do out of the sports arena as in it. They are looked up to by their peers and younger students and respected by their coaches and teachers. I think when you read the names below you will say to yourself that these are two very deserving recipients of this award.
      It is my pleasure to inform you that this year’s girl and boy ISY Athlete of the Year are Phyo Phyo (Grade 9) and Kyaw Min (Grade 11). I think if you consider the criteria above, ISY is proud to call these two students our Athletes of the Year.

      High School Athletic

      On Saturday ISY hosted the Yangon Athletic Conference (YAC) high school badminton tournament. Our high school players have had time to come down after their promising results from the SEASAC badminton tournament and then focus on this event.
      The day started out promisingly enough with the boys and girls teams winning their first two ties without too much difficulty. However the real test would come down to International School Myanmar, which they would play in the final tie.
      The boys started their tie in the best possible way winning the singles matches 3-0. Then the doubles teams finished off the clean sweep to win the tie 5-0 and with it the championship.
      The girls would be up against a much tougher test. The singles started out with a win and a loss. 1-1 after 2 matches. The doubles started as our singles 3 player was still battling it out. Their game would run almost as long as the doubles matches! In the end our singles 3 won, and both our doubles combinations. This would leave the scores 4-1 and the championship would again go to ISY!

      YAC Swim Meet 

      On Saturday ISY hosted the Yangon Athletic Conference (YAC) swim meet. This swim meet is the culmination of the local swim calendar for ISY. The shine was taken off a little with the absence of Yangon International School and ILBC International School but International School Myanmar were able to bring a strong team to challenge our ISY swimmers.
      The ISY swim team were pumped for this meet and showed that in their performances. Most swimmers in our ISY team were able to match, or exceed their own personal best times. This goes to show how much work they have been putting into their training. I look forward to hearing all about the success next year of the ISY swim team.


      Tomorrow marks the start of the Tri-Sports tournament. It will be started off with football at the South Dagon Fields. Then it moves to basketball on Thursday at the M5 Sports Complex and then volleyball on Friday at the same venue.
      The Tri-Sports tournament is where teams are restricted to 12 players and this roster is used to play three mini-tournaments over three sports. There can be no changes to the rosters over the three tournaments. It can be fun and exciting. ISY has two boys teams and a girls team in this tournament.
      We wish them well over those three days.

      Swim Team

      Here are the training times for our elementary, middle and high school swim teams.

      ES Swim Team:
      Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2:20-3:20 PM

      MS and HS Swim Team:
      Monday, Wednesday and Friday 3:30-5:00 PM
      Tuesday and Thursday 6:45-7:45 AM

      ISY Sports Broadcasting

      Last year a sports broadcasting club was started at ISY. They were able to cover some of our high school basketball games with great success. They produced a very professionally polished product.
      This year they will cover our high school athletics for the whole year. If you are interested in this please follow the link below and this will lead you to the group’s Youtube page. So far the group has covered two high school volleyball games and some of the high school basketball games from last year.

      Facility Schedules

      ISY facilities are open and ready to be enjoyed by the ISY community. You will be able to see below the available times to different facilities.

      Please note, to use ISY facilities you MUST use this booking form and be a member of the ISY community. No people outside of the ISY community will be given access to ISY without previous permission. This form also includes a liability waver.

      Tennis Court

      Weekdays 2:30-6:00PM

      Weekends 8:00AM-6:00PM

      (Middle and elementary school students need to be accompanied by an adult)

      Swimming Pool
      Open 6:30 – 7:30 AM Monday – Friday
      Monday 5-6 PM
      Tuesday 3:00-6 PM
      Wednesday 5-6 PM
      Thursday 3:00-6 PM
      Friday 5-6 PM
      Open Saturday 8 AM – 12 PM
      Closed Sunday
      (Please note to use the Swimming Pool you must book your place)

      Fitness/Weights Room
      Closed 7 AM – 2:30 PM (School hours)
      24 hours (Please note to use the Weights/Fitness Room you must book your place)

      **Please note** The Fitness/Weights Room is busy with a lot of equipment in it. Could all users please tidy up after themselves. This means wiping down equipment after using them and returning all weights and moveable equipment back to its correct place. This will make for a much more pleasant experience for everyone!

      HS students may use the Fitness/weights Weights Room unsupervised.
      MS students may use the Fitness/Weights Room only with adult supervision.
      ES students are not allowed in the Fitness/Weights Room.

      Outdoor Areas
      Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 3:30 – 6 PM
      The Field
      Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the field will be used until 5:30 for ISY sports teams practice.

      (Please note that to use the Outdoor Spaces you must book your place)
      8 AM – 6 PM
      **These times may change once more sports start up at ISY**

      Questions or More Information

      As always, if you have any questions about what is in this blog or anything else that you may think of related to activities or athletics please feel free to contact me at:

      Kindest regards,

      Mr. Jonathan O’Sullivan