Athletics and Activities

Our Chinthes are winners again!
Over the weekend our high school boys and girls volleyball teams experienced our first athletic success for the new school year. Our girls team came 2nd and our boys team came 1st in the Yangon Athletic Conference citywide pre-season tournament. Please continue reading below for more on this wonderful performance. However they are not stopping there, our high school volleyball players are playing today at Yangon International School. ISY will be represented by both girls and boys varsity and Junior varsity teams.
But it’s not just the high school having all the fun. Our middle school boys and girls basketball teams will host International School Myanmar this afternoon. This will be our first chance to host a team at ISY for the School year. Very exciting.
Also on this Saturday the 10th, ISY will be represented by our middle and high school table-tennis team at the Yangon International School. For more information on all these events please continue reading below.
After School Activities (ASA)
Today we finished our second week of after school activities (ASA). There was still a lot of excitement in the air with students looking forward to going back to their ASAs. There is a great mix of service learning, sports and arts activities. If your child is not signed up for an activity yet, please email the Athletics Office and we will help you find an activity your child will enjoy.
I ask that parents check their children’s ASA status. With a lot of movement in and out of ASAs it is a good idea to regularly check when and where your child’s ASAs are.
ASA times:
Elementary school: 2:20 – 3:05 PM
Secondary school: 2:40 – 3:25 PM
Middle School (MS) Athletics
Today ISY will host the International School of Myanmar in basketball. This will be the first sport ISY will host in the new school year. Both the middle school girls and boys teams will play. I am looking forward to these games. The games will start at 3:30 today.
The ISY middle school basketball teams will also host Yangon International School on Wednesday. These games will start at 3:30 and students, parents and spectators are most welcome to come and watch.
ISY is also sending another athletic team across town this weekend. Our middle and high school table tennis team will be traveling to YIS on Saturday. Our table tennis players have been practicing hard and I look forward to seeing what they can do when they come up against the other school across Yangon.

High School (HS) Athletics
It is with great pleasure that I write about our girls and boys volleyball players from the weekend. These athletes played with passion and skill and upheld the ISY attributes that make us all proud to be a Chinthe. I was fortunate enough to watch both the final games. The girls fought hard over two days but were not quite able to finish out the tournament with the championship. The final game went to the final set and could have gone either way. However, they were finally beaten by a well run International School Myanmar team.
The boys followed a similar pattern to the girls team and played an exciting final that also came down to the final set. And, just like the girls game, it was a see-saw battle that finally ended in our favor. Yangon International School (YIS) played well but our boys from ISY were the victors on the day. We are all looking forward to the rematch today.
Today is the first game of the Yangon Athletic Conference (YAC) volleyball league. Both our girls and boys teams are heading to YIS. This will be very interesting for our boys team as this will be a rematch of the pre-season tournament final. They will also be accompanied by our girls and boys junior varsity teams that will also play YIS today.
Good luck to all our athletes playing today.
ISY is also sending another athletic team across town this weekend. Our middle and high school table tennis team will be traveling to YIS on Saturday. Our table tennis players have been practicing hard and I look forward to seeing what they can do when they come up against the other school across Yangon.
High school soccer tryouts are starting at ISY. Saturday the boys will start and on Tuesday the girls will start. Please keep an eye on the gym doors for more information about these and the following tryouts.
Other sporting events next week:
Tuesday: HS Boys volleyball at ISM, 3:30
Wednesday: HS girls volleyball at ISM, 3:30

Swim Team (Elementary, Middle and High School)
This is a reminder that elementary, middle and high school swim teams started training this week.
Middle and high school swim team will start on Wednesday at 3:30 and the elementary school swim team will start on Friday at 2:30.
This is just a reminder that our facilities booking form and Liability waiver for, are now combined on the same form for ease of use. Please remember that to use any of ISY’s facilities you must fill out the booking form.
Please also remember that if you are using an indoor space you must be wearing a mask.
Change of Facility Schedules
Please note that there are some slight changes to the facility schedule for some areas from next week.
Swimming Pool
Open 6 – 7 AM Monday – Friday
Monday 5-6 PM
Tuesday 3:30-6 PM
Wednesday 5-6 PM
Thursday 3:30-6 PM
Friday 5-6 PM
Open Saturday 8 AM – 12 PM
Closed Sunday
(Please note to use the Swimming Pool you must book your place)
Fitness/Weights Room
Closed 7 AM – 2:30 PM (School hours)
24 hours (Please note to use the Weights/Fitness Room you must book your place)
**Please note** The Fitness/Weights Room is busy with a lot of equipment in it. Could all users please tidy up after themselves. This means wiping down equipment after using them and returning all weights and moveable equipment back to its correct place. This will make for a much more pleasant experience for everyone!
HS students may use the Fitness/weights Weights Room unsupervised.
MS students may use the Fitness/Weights Room only with adult supervision.
ES students are not allowed in the Fitness/Weights Room.
Outdoor Areas
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 3:30 – 6 PM
The Field
Tuesday, Wednesday and Tursday the field will be used until 6:30 for ISY sports teams practice.
(Please note that to use the Outdoor Spaces you must book your place)
8 AM – 6 PM
**These times may change once more sports start up at ISY**
- Mask wearing indoors while with other people will be mandatory. All students will be required to wear a mask indoors and this includes the gym. The exceptions are the pool and while eating.
- Students will be encouraged to eat outdoors as much as possible. Students will be allowed to eat indoors and in the cafeteria for now but will be encouraged to socially distance while eating.
- Classrooms at ISY will be well ventilated with doors and windows open as much as possible.
- Students will be encouraged to wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer regularly and we ask that students keep up this practice at home.
- Covid-19 test kits will be sent home with students every Friday (2 per student). We ask everyone to test on Sunday and Wednesday evenings.
- If a student tests positive we ask that you inform the ISY Clinic as soon as possible to get advice on how long the student should remain at home ( We will continue to inform you of the first cases of Covid if they occur in your Grade or if a student’s teacher has a suspected case.
- If a student has flu like symptoms (fever, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, muscle/joint aches, tiredness) please keep them at home, test them using a rapid test kit and monitor them closely.
Questions or More Information
As always, if you have any questions about what is in this blog or anything else that you may think of related to activities or athletics please feel free to contact me at:
Kindest regards,
Mr. Jonathan O’Sullivan
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040