Elementary Principal’s Blog

August 23rd
Blog Post

Sandy Sheppard, Elementary School Principal


Dear Parents,

We had a wonderful first week of school. The students were so happy to be back with their friends, and many new friendships were formed. The teachers have all expressed how wonderful the students have been and how quickly they have settled back into school life, a testament to how they all feel like they belong to the ISY community.

You should all have received an email with instructions on how to sign in to Toddle, our communication platform. If you did not, do not hesitate to contact the school office.

This week, we had our first welcome-back assembly. Dr. Hedger delivered a message, and we participated in fun activities that helped us create a sense of community.

We are enjoying the many new upgrades to spaces over the summer. You can see some photos below. We are also so happy to welcome our new Chinthe Cubs on to campus. It is wonderful to have the 3-year-olds with us this year. 


Please remember that during this time, we only have dedicated adult supervision on campus in the morning from 7:30 AM. Elementary Students go directly to the steps at dismissal unless they have an after-school activity.

Warm regards,

Ms. Sandy Sheppard


School starts at 8 am for everyone during the Buddhist Lent period and will end at:

1:30 for Chinthe Cubs

2:15 for Kindergarten

3:10 for Grades 1-5.


After School Activities (ASAs) – Session 1 ASAs will start on September 3 and end on November 22.  Sign-up on PowerSchool will start next week on Monday, August 26 at 7 PM, where you can choose 2 activities. On Tuesday, August 27, starting at 7 PM you can sign up for your remaining activities.  Registration will close completely on Wednesday, August 28 at 7 PMHere is a step-by-step guide if you need help.  See Friday Notices for the activities booklet.

Dates to Remember

School Photos will be taken on Monday and Wednesday next week

2nd September – After-school activities begin

9th September – Chinthe Connections (more information to come)

4th September – Back to School Night 5:30 – 7:30

Welcome to all our Chinthe Cubs!


On September 4th, the school will hold a back-to-school night from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. There will be opportunities to meet with specialist teachers, visit the Library, and visit your child’s classrooms. Families with children in both elementary and secondary divisions will have opportunities to visit both. More detailed information will be sent out via email before the event.

The students are enjoying our new cafeteria space. 



Elementary Counseling Services Available at ISY

As the elementary counselor for the past 9 years, it has been my pleasure to work with and be a part of this amazing community.  Throughout the years the counseling department has adapted and navigated as the needs of the community have changed.  Here are some of our current services:

  • Counseling Services for students, parents and families.  These confidential sessions support community members regarding a variety of issues including, but not limited to: child development, parenting, family crisis and behavioral support.
  • Group Work: Students are supported in a group setting with issues such as social interactions, emotion regulation, transition support and leadership.
  • Social-Emotional Learning:  Life Skills is a class taught in Grades 1- 5 which teaches problem-solving skills, conflict resolution, assertiveness, digital citizenship, personal safety and effective communication.
  • Academic Support: Ensuring student success as they navigate their academic journey through collaboration with classroom teachers and Learning Support Service. Direct teaching of executive functioning skills and emotion regulation.

If any of these services can support your child or family, please reach out at escounselor@isyedu.org.  I am happy to support and assist your child and your family.

Warm regards, Ms. Patty