The International School Yangon is a community of compassionate global citizens.
We aim to develop lifelong learners who will be a force for positive change in the world.
Dear Parents,
We have had a fantastic first full week here at ISY. The children have enjoyed attending all their classes and are enjoying recess times; luckily, there has not been much rain this week. We have some COVID measures in place at the moment; e.g. students and adults on campus are wearing masks. Please see the complete list below. Due to the current wave, we will update you early next week as to whether our Back to School Night will go ahead or if it will be postponed.
Ms Sheppard
Elementary School Principal
We hope to continue with our Back to School event on the 7th of September from 5:30 to 6:45 PM. We hope to see you all there. This will be a chance for teachers to share information about the grade and for us all to get to know each other. See the schedule below:
Time | Description |
5:30 to 5:45 | Welcome in the Gym by Dr Hedger |
5:45 to 6:00 | Enjoy tea and coffee and meet specialist teachers (Art, Music, World Languages, Physical Education, Counsellor/Life Skills who will be in the Gym |
6:00 to 6:30 | Grade Level meetings |
6:30 to 6:45 | Parents may revisit the Gym to meet specialist teachers |
6:45 | End of Back to School Night |
- Mask wearing indoors while with other people will be mandatory. All students will be required to wear a mask indoors and this includes the gym. The exceptions are the pool and while eating.
- Students will be encouraged to eat outdoors as much as possible. Students will be allowed to eat indoors and in the cafeteria for now but will be encouraged to socially distance while eating.
- Classrooms at ISY will be well ventilated with doors and windows open as much as possible.
- Students will be encouraged to wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer regularly and we ask that students keep up this practice at home.
- Covid-19 test kits will be sent home with students every Friday (2 per student). We ask everyone to test on Sunday and Wednesday evenings.
- If a student tests positive we ask that you inform the ISY Clinic as soon as possible to get advice on how long the student should remain at home (clinic@isyedu.org). We will continue to inform you of the first cases of Covid if they occur in your Grade or if a student’s teacher has a suspected case.
- If a student has flu like symptoms (fever, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, muscle/joint aches, tiredness) please keep them at home, test them using a rapid test kit and monitor them closely.

On September 1st at 8:45 am in the Cafeteria, we will be having a meeting to talk to parents about the ISY Parent Association. The involvement of parents on the ISY campus plays a major role in the success of school events, teacher appreciation, and community building. The Parent Association is made up of a parent board to provide leadership and then a series of committees to lead parent involvement in a number of areas. These include our International Day event and other events, a ‘connecting parents’ group, a group that awards Service learning Grants and a group for teacher appreciation at the end of the year.
I am so thrilled to return to Yangon and be back on campus! As many of you know, I was unable to return to Yangon this past year but continued my work virtually. This past week has been a pleasure to see how the students have grown and to welcome them back to a new school year.
As the PreK-Grade 6 counselor, I am happy to serve ISY families in a variety of ways, including:
- Individual counseling for students
- Family support counseling
- Social-emotional & Academic support
- Life Skills, Advisory and Health Teacher
- Teacher support and consultation
- Child Protection Liaison
- Elementary student council advisor
- Elementary service learning coordinator
Please reach out to me at escounselor@isyedu.org with any questions or concerns.
29th August – After School Activities begin for those who have signed up
1st September – Parent Association Meeting 8:45 AM
7th September – Back to School Night 5:30 PM
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040