ISY Elementary Blog
A year of two halves
Mike Simpson, Elementary School Principal
December 18, 2020

We go to the break not quite having finished the first semester. At the end of January we will have got to the halfway mark of the 2020-2021 academic year. 

As a New Zealander who watches a lot of rugby, I am very familiar with ‘a game of two halves’ as a cliché to describe a game in which fortunes turn after halftime. 

For a rugby fan, there is nothing more thrilling than when your team has struggled through to  halftime and, having fought hard enough to stay in the game, finishes strongly and wins in the end. These are the games that you remember and people talk about for years to come. 

All of us – students, families, faculty, and staff – have had to struggle through a lot of change and uncertainty up to this point in the year. I am very proud of the way that we have all supported each other. We have focused on what we knew we could control and worked together to deal with circumstances that we were not sure we could deal with until we did. 

It would be foolish to assume that the second half of the year will be easier than the first. But on June 16 I think we will look back on the 2020-2021 school year as a year of two halves. And as difficult as it was, it will be what we did in the first half that we will remember with the greatest pride.

On behalf of us all in the Elementary School, thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you and your children in the second half of this year like no other.

School starts again on Monday, January 11, 2021.

Previous Elementary School Posts
ES October 4th 2019

ES October 4th 2019

Dear all, Another busy week here in the Elementary School. This week Grade 5 went on a field trip, we had a Math evening for parents and PreK parents organized a celebration for the upcoming special Thidingyut Celebration.

Elementary Update September 27

Elementary Update September 27

The teachers enjoyed the Compassion Conference on Friday. They were able to learn not only new ideas but be inspired by our keynote speaker, Wilma Derksen. I hope that many of you were also able to attend Wilma’s parent talk this week.

Elementary Update September 20

Elementary Update September 20

This week on Wednesday I visited the ISY Nay Pyi Taw campus where there are lots of fabulous things happening.
At ISY we continue enjoying our learning.

Elementary School Blog- Sept 13

Elementary School Blog- Sept 13

It seemed that the rain this week purposely chose to come down at break and dismissal times. The rain never hampers our fun here at ISY though and in between the rain we had lots of creative fun outdoors this week (see pictures below).