ISY Elementary Blog

Elementary Update – June 10th, 2020

Sandy Sheppard, Elementary School Principal

Dear all,


The last day of the school year is here, it certainly has been an interesting few months. I would like to thank you all for your support during virtual learning.

I would like to take this time to recognize our wonderful teaching faculty who have worked so hard to ensure that learning continued for our students. Special recognition to our students who kept working so hard as well. The majority of our students remained engaged and interactive with all the learning that was taking place.

I would also like to take a moment to say goodbye to you all. I would have much preferred to have seen you all in person to say my goodbyes, but hopefully I will be back to visit at some time – ‘Once a Chinthe always a Chinthe’. I am very sad to be leaving ISY an I am very thankful for having had the opportunity to be part of the ISY community. I hand the reins over to Mr. Simpson, who is going to do an awesome job!

I am proud to have been part of such a wonderful place and a wonderful community.

Enjoy your summer breaks, I know everyone is looking forward to being back on campus come August.

Stay happy and safe.

Ms Sandy Sheppard

Message from Mr Simpson

This school year will stick in my mind for a very long time! I might soon forget the fears and frustrations that accompanied this global pandemic but I doubt I will forget the way our school responded to it. The strength of our teachers and the support of our parents really came together so our students remained connected to the ISY community and engaged in learning. 

I cannot speak highly enough of the professionalism and commitment of our teachers over the last few months. The effort that our teachers put in to prepare for and guide our students through this crisis was immense. 

It will be a privilege to lead these teachers next year as Elementary School Principal. It will also be an honour to follow Ms. Sheppard. I am lucky enough to count Ms. Sheppard as a colleague and as a friend. As New Zealanders, we have known each other for a while (New Zealand is not very big…) and I was very excited to learn that she would start at ISY as Elementary Principal as I started as Director of Curriculum and Learning. 

Over the two years we have worked together at ISY, she was always willing to share her experience and ideas and was very supportive of me. We have worked together very closely and, thanks to Ms. Sheppard, I do not think I will ever be as well prepared for a job as I am for this one. Ms. Sheppard was also very supportive of our teachers – encouraging and challenging them to do what they do best. As supportive and encouraging as Ms. Sheppard was with our teachers, our students always came first. Whether it be the new playground, championing student-centered learning, recognising students as the Pride of the Principal, or just chatting away to them in playground, our students all knew that Ms. Sheppard cared about them and wanted the best for them.

Over the last two years, I have met many of you on campus and more recently you might have seen me on ‘Global Learners, Virtual Wednesdays’ being taught how to be a good principal by Ms. Sheppard. Prior to coming to ISY, I have taught in elementary schools in Qatar, Venezuela, and Lesotho where I was Principal. I look forward to meeting many more of you next year and working with all of you and your children for years to come.

Kind regards,

Mike Simpson

Library book availability during the summer
To help support members of our community remaining in Yangon, ISY will be allowing limited access to the library.  Every two weeks there will be a form sent out with the below deadlines. The next deadline for requests is Friday (19th June) at 12:00 noon. The books will then be prepared and will be available to be picked up on Monday the 22nd June from 12:00 noon.  The same process will continue every two weeks, throughout the summer.  The Friday book request deadlines are as follows:
June 19th, July 3rd, July 17th, July 31st
Library books can be returned to the security team at the front steps at any time.


Elementary Song video
Elementary School Welcome Back Slides
We wanted to welcome everyone back to school and let you know how much we missed our community and how ready we were to continue with Virtual Learning. See the slides here.
PE Newsletter
Mr Wyatt and Ms Lisa put together their first PE Newsletter, this newsletter has important information about the PE program and can be found here.
 A Musical Message
Just in case you missed it here is the video made by the faculty at ISY.  Wherever you are in the world, you can count on us!  It’s on both the Facebook page and the YouTube Channel. Enjoy.
Message from the Director
As we close the year, Dr. Hedger would like to say a few parting words which have been recorded and can be viewed on our Facebook page and YouTube Channel.
This is, however, not the last time you will be hearing from ISY.  More than most summers we will be sending out regular communication regarding our plans for reopening.
We are all firmly looking forward to seeing you all again in person when we reopen in August.

Congratulations Pre K and Kindergarten

Well done to our youngest students who have done so well with virtual learning. You have been true superstars and have shown so much resilience in your learning. Thank you also to all the Mums and Dads and families who supported your learning.

Thank you Ms Karen, Ms Hannah, Ms Ruth, Ms Petra, Ms Jordan, Mr Simpson, Ms Alice, Ms Lindy, Ms Htut Htut, Ms Mabel and Ms Waing.

Congratulations Grade 1

What a fantastic year Grade 1 you are all going to make exceptional Grade 2 students. Keep up the good work!

You can see their words of wisdom for students next year who will be joining Grade 1 in SeeSaw. Thank you Ms Davis, Mr Brett, Ms Self, Ms Swe Zin Win, Ms Hser Gay and Ms Me Me Khaing.

Congratulations Grade 2

Grade 2 has had a fabulous year thanks to Ms Neetika, Mr Macheski, Ms Saunders, Ms Snow White, Ms Su Sandy and Ms Ei Ei Mon Aung.

Here are some Grade 2 reflections:

I cannot just say one so I will say a few:

  1. The first day of grade two
  2. Meeting Ms Saunders
  3. Meeting all the teachers and those are the main things:)

Grade 2 was fun like feeding animals on a farm

Mr. Macheski is nice like a penguin

My friends are good like watching a sunset

My brain is big now like an octopus

Specialist Teachers

It was wonderful that our students still engaged with the all important specialist subjects during virtual learning – PE, Languages, Art and thank you to the support of our technology integration specialists – thank you to Ms Hedger, Mr Batty, Ms Kalu, Ms Nathalie, Ms Su Lin, Ms Rostia, Mr Saw John, Ms Bekka, Mr Wyatt, Ms Lisa Johnson, Ms Schubert, Mr Nixon, Ms Simpson, Ms Zarchi, Ms Win May May Khine and Ms Mai Zin.

and thank you to our wonderful support teachers

Ms Darla, Ms Diana and Ms Thet Thet

and Ms Patty

Congratulations Grade 4

Please see this slide celebrating the fantastic Grade 4 students, including messages from their teachers and messages from this year’s current Grade 4 students to the Grade 3 students. Good luck Grade 4 for next year.

Thank you Ms Evans, Ms Lapoujade and Ms Lopez

Congratulations Grade 3 

Grade 3 students  shared their writing this week during online presentations. Each student wrote and published a story on Book Creator. They did a fantastic job. See photos below.

Well done Grade 3!

Thank you Ms Majors, Ms Judy and Ms Kristi.

Grade 5 Celebration

Congratulations to all our Grade 5 students, we wish you all the best with your move to Grade 6. You have been exceptional students during this year and have shown true resilience during virtual learning. Here are some of your successes:

Virtual Learning Success
Our students have worked so hard on their virtual learning.  We feel that they will be some of the best-prepared for Middle School as a result of their steep learning curve over the past few months.
Our students have really shined!  Some who are quieter in a busy classroom have experienced freedom to flourish in their own time and space at home.  They have developed a greater sense of confidence and a sense of self, as they grow into more independent learners.
Fantasy Stories
The children’s voice recordings of their fantasy stories really came to life with  drawings and maps of their fantasy worlds.
ComPassion Projects
Fifth graders certainly stepped up to this virtual challenge!  Students explored all types of topics and engaged their audiences in virtual discussions.  The students have strengthened their lifelong learning skills and have taken initial steps on the path to becoming forces for positive change.  We cannot wait to see what these students accomplish on their journeys of lifelong service.
Wonder by R.J. Palacio
The fifth graders have continued listening to read-alouds of Wonder, as they engage in deep thinking around the book and its messages.  Many students have internalized what it means to “choose kind”, demonstrating attributes of compassionate global citizens in their reflections, their discussions, and the connections they make to their own lives and those around them.
Home Science Experiments
Grade 5 students and their families have become very involved in their home science experiments, conducting multiple trials and recording all of their observations.  Some even filmed their entire scientific process to share with the class.  Great learning for us all!
Keeping Connected
Though they are apart, students have found ways to maintain friendships and meaningful connections across time zones.
All in all, the skills that the children have learned over the past few months will help them experience success in academics and beyond.  One could argue that they have learned just as much about the importance of keeping in touch with those who have positively impacted their lives.
Thank you,
Grade 5 Teachers – Ms V, Ms Tegenfeldt and Mr O’Sullivan


10th June – Last day of school for the 19-20 school year


Office –

Wednesday Assembly

See photos below from the assembly on Wednesday.

Thank you to everyone attending our first online elementary assembly.  
A warm congratulations to the student performers: Pari, Vincent, Ty, George, Hyebin, Kamelya, Let Ya and Brian. 
A special thank you to the student speakers, Zwe, Leah and Julien.
If your child was unable to attend, here you will find the video recording, for your enjoyment.

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