Elementary Principal’s Blog

May 24th
Blog Post

Sandy Sheppard, Elementary School Principal


Dear all,

This week our Grade 5 students completed their Compassion Projects by holding an exhibition on Tuesday night. The event was a great success, and we were all inspired by the student’s thoughtful presentations. They represented themselves as global citizens, compassionate and life-long learners.

There are two weeks until the end of the school year; please read the Friday Notices to stay up-to-date with all events.

Today, we had our student Teacher Appreciation assembly. This was organized by the Student Council. It is always a fun and rewarding event for all. Thank you also to all our parents for the wonderful celebration today for Teacher Appreciation. The food and decorations were really appreciated by all. We were all made to feel special. Thanks also for the lovely notebooks and student messages. We are lucky to have such a wonderful, supportive parent community.

The final Pride of the Principal certificates were given for this school year. See the photo below.

Have a great weekend!

Ms Sheppard

Compassionate Chinthes Donation Drive –

We are accepting donations from now until Monday June 3, that will provide our Chinthe Fund partners with needed supplies. Please view this poster listing items that you can donate. Please drop off items in the baskets at the front steps, or at Ms. Davis’ room in SAS 504E, or at Mr. Sturmey’s room, D202.


Congratulations to our Grade 5 students on a very successful Grade 5 Exhibition. The event was a huge success. Thanks also to our teachers Ms Beth and Ms Sabine and Ms Pinky for supporting their learning. The music performances after the presentations were fantastic! The students composed wonderful music. Thanks to Ms Bekka for supporting their work.




Several of our students have been bringing candy to school to eat during snack and lunch time. They are also sharing with other students. While this is a lovely gesture, we try to promote healthy eating at school and would prefer that candy be left for a treat at home that parents monitor. Thank you in advance for ensuring that your child/ren do not bring candy to school.


    Dear ISY Community,

    As a reminder,  every week on a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until May 31, between 7:30 – 10:30 AM, come and enjoy a traditional meal on our Covered Court. All parents are welcome!  The price is only 3,000 kyats per serving. Breakfast is also available until 10:30 AM for students.

    • Monday – Mohingar 

    • Wednesday – Wai Wai Shan Noodles 

    • Friday – Coconut Noodle soup  

    Why not enjoy a variety of refreshing coffees, smoothies and soft drinks available from Gusto and Nourish at ISY. Come along and enjoy a social breakfast with our community!


    It has started to get very hot outdoors. During these warmer periods, to play outdoors, our students are required to wear sun hats and sunscreen. We ask your assistance to apply sunscreen to your child before they come to school and also to send a named sunscreen bottle to school so that sunscreen can be reapplied before break times.

    Chinthe Cubs

    For 2024-25, we will be offering a 3-year-old program. The current 4-year-old program and the new 3-year-old program will be called Chinthe Cubs. Please complete this sign-up form to register your interest in finding out more information about the new Chinthe Cubs classes. As a reminder, admissions for the next academic year, 2024-25, will be accepted from 15th February 2024. The information session has been completed, but you can get information at any time by contacting our ISY Admissions Office.

    Dates to Remember

    5th June – Report Cards go home

    7th June – Last day of school – school finishes at 11:30

    Transition and Goodbyes

    The summer holiday is quickly approaching and although it is an exciting time, it is also a time to say good-bye. Each year, I am reminded that our small community is constantly changing and although this is very exciting, it also means we must once again say good-bye to some of our community members.  When thinking about good-byes, I am reminded of David C Pollock, Ruth Van Reken and Michael Pollack’s book Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds work.  Using the acronym RAFT they help us remember the important areas that need to be addressed when saying farewell.

    Reconciliation: This difficult but important step focuses on mending or forgiving relationships.  Resolving issues with those you are leaving behind enables you to move on without regret. 

    Affirmation: Expressing appreciation for relationships.  Validating your friendships and connections to others through words, gifts or personal time together highlights your time together and the value it has had on your life.

    Farewell: Many people try to avoid the act of saying goodbye but this is an important step.  Be mindful of saying goodbye to not only people but also places, animals and experiences.

    Think Destination: Preparing for and building excitement for the new experiences and places you are heading toward is the last step in your goodbye journey.  


    If you would like to talk with Ms Patty about executive functioning skills or any other skills to support your child, please contact her at escounselor@isyedu.org.

    Ms Patty