Elementary Principal’s Blog

September 15th
Blog Post

Sandy Sheppard, Elementary School Principal

Dear all,

We had an assembly today. See below for our Pride of the Principal (POP) awardees for this assembly.

Four Square is a popular activity during break times. In Physical Education, the students have learned about the game’s rules and sportsmanship.

A special welcome to our new teacher, Ms. Itzel; it is great to have her wealth of experience with us at ISY. 

As a reminder, please note that the campus is unsupervised before 8:00 a.m. Elementary School students also need to be supervised on campus after school hours. 

Have a fabulous weekend!

Ms. Sheppard



During assembly Grade 1 and KG led the Chinthe Song. The Student Council did some skits in celebration of the upcoming Peace Day. These were used to help students understand the importance of working things out peacefully.


We are pleased to announce the members of our 23-24 Executive Board for the Parent Association. 

  • Ms. Lwin Mon Thant – President
  • Ms. Paula Gil Baizan Vice President
  • Ms. Nila Wynn AungSecretary
  • Ms. Crystal Win Treasurer 

Thank you for your support.


See below for pictures of the students in Kindergarten building roads and programming robots.


Please remember our security turnstiles are in operation. Students need to use their ISY Photo ID Cards (Secondary School) or Bracelets (Elementary School) to enter school. Students/Parents can contact the school office if they need a replacement card or bracelet.

Dates to Remember

3rd November – Progress Reports go home

18th November – International Day

21st – 31st October – Thadingyut Holiday 

The Importance of Healthy Snacks for Mental Health

Most of us know healthy snacks support our children’s physical health but did you know that it also supports their mental health?  Foods rich with vitamins and minerals help with proper brain function, fewer mood swings and improved ability to focus.  Some things to think about while choosing your child’s next snack are:

  • Good mental health is linked to a healthy diet
  • A healthy diet provides energy needed to cope with stress.
  • Protein-rich foods, meat or plant based, can improve mood and reduce anxiety
  • Studies have shown that eating high-fiber carbohydrates can help reduce depression
  • Proper brain function and mental well-being require nutritious meals that include appropriate fats.
  • Children need healthy snacks modeled to them.  When packing their snacks, minimize candies and cookies and maximize fruits & vegetables.


Chinthe Cubs is a service learning program in the ISY Elementary School that provides public service announcements for the community.  The programming is designed, produced, and created by elementary students.  Recently, they have begun a series to introduce the new faculty to the ISY community.  Please take a moment to enjoy Chinthe Cub’s work as they Interview Ms Feller, the new Librarian