ISY Elementary Blog
Elementary Update – February 21st, 2020

Sandy Sheppard, Elementary School Principal
Dear Parents,
We had wonderful attendance at the International Day at the weekend. I hope you enjoyed seeing all the pictures on the school facebook page. March will be a busy month with the Gala, Family Fun Night and the Field Days. We hope to see you all at the play, which will be held tonight and tomorrow night at 6:00 PM.
Check out the new art display cabinet opposite the office and the new location of our Pride of the Principal (POP) board.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Sandy Sheppard

Creativity at ISY.
A great home made costume.
We have lots of important events coming up:
21st/22nd February – Alice in Wonderland 6:00 PM, tickets 5,000 kyat
2nd March – No school
4th March – Grade 5 Violin Performance – 9:30 – 9:50 – stage near the Library
6th March – Elementary Field Days
6th March – ISY Gala
7th March – Family Fun Night
16th – 20th March – Spirit Week (more informtion to come)
13th – 17th April – Holiday
We have new art on the office windows, don’t they look fantastic!

New This Week
We have a new display cabinet outside the office to display our wonderful art projects.
We also have a new water play stand, to encourage more fun and experientation with water.
Grade 4 made bird boxes they look great in our environment.
Previous Elementary School Posts
ES Parent Email October 25th, 2019
This weeks news about the Literacy event, a Mangrove talk and prep for Halloween among some other great initiatives in the Elementary School.
Elementary Update – 10th October
Thank you to all the parents who helped some of our classes celebrate the Thadingyut Light Festival. This post has news of upcoming events after the holiday
ES October 4th 2019
Dear all, Another busy week here in the Elementary School. This week Grade 5 went on a field trip, we had a Math evening for parents and PreK parents organized a celebration for the upcoming special Thidingyut Celebration.
Elementary Update September 27
The teachers enjoyed the Compassion Conference on Friday. They were able to learn not only new ideas but be inspired by our keynote speaker, Wilma Derksen. I hope that many of you were also able to attend Wilma’s parent talk this week.
Elementary Update September 20
This week on Wednesday I visited the ISY Nay Pyi Taw campus where there are lots of fabulous things happening.
At ISY we continue enjoying our learning.
Elementary School Blog- Sept 13
It seemed that the rain this week purposely chose to come down at break and dismissal times. The rain never hampers our fun here at ISY though and in between the rain we had lots of creative fun outdoors this week (see pictures below).
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040