ISY Elementary Blog
Elementary Update – January 17th, 2020
Sandy Sheppard, Elementary School Principal
Dear all,
We have had a great week at ISY. This week we celebrated writing, enjoyed a presentation on sustainability and learnt lots in our classrooms.
Next week cycle 3 of assemblies begin again. The Grade 5 students are doing a wonderful job of leading these assembly times.
We are monitoring air quality and have a plan in place should we need to have indoor recess, PE times.
Have a great weekend.
Sandy Sheppard
New Staff Directory on PowerSchool
18th January – Parent Association BBQ and Pool Party
25th January – Nay Pyi Taw Open House
25th January – Color Run – 8:00 am
30th January – Chinese New Year celebration assembly
7th February – Reports go home
12th February – No school
15th February – International Day
International day takes place on the 15th of February. Each country has a country coordinator that will be sharing information.
There will be a cultural show on the day with performances by students. Each act should be no longer than 3 minutes in length and ideally be a group piece involving several students. To participate in the cultural show, please sign-up here by Friday, January 24.
There are a limited number of spaces and signing up does not automatically mean your child will be performing. You will get an email notice after January 24 if the act has been approved.
There is a mandatory dress rehearsal the day before the cultural show, Fri, Feb 14 for all participating groups. It will be after school.
There will also be a Parade of Nations where students will walk with their flags. If a student would like to walk with a country other than their noted nationality in Powerschool, please email Communications Associate, Ivy Kuhn by Friday, January 24. Her email is
Our United World Schools After School Activiy group is organizing a book drive – see information below:
Collection to give books to Wan Kaung School library (UWS school project)
Book donations in English and Myanmar language (easy books)
By January 23rd
Putting books in the boxes at the front entrance near the office or in front of Ms. Judy’s room
Please support this book drive!
Students enjoying sand and water play at recess time
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The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040