ISY Elementary Blog
Elementary Update – January 24th, 2020

Sandy Sheppard, Elementary School Principal
Dear all,
We have had a wonderful week at ISY. Please read this blog for important updates, events, reminders and information celebrating our many events.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Sandy Sheppard
We rise by lifting others – Robert Ingersoll
Students not accompanied by an adult should wait on the teak steps after their after school activities are finished.
After 4pm all calls to the elementary office are diverted to the security office.
New Staff Directory on Power School
25th January – Nay Pyi Taw Open House
25th January – Color Run – 8:00 am
30th January – Chinese New Year celebration assembly
30th January – Parent presentation – Child Protection & How to Raise a Child in a Stressfree World – 7:00 PM – Cafeteria
3st January – Movie Night – 6:00 PM – organized by the Elementary Student Council
7th February – Reports go home
12th February – No school
15th February – International Day
We have an increasing number of students who are not taking part in swimming. Swimming is part of the curriculum and children are expected to take part. A student requires a medical certificate from their doctor if they are not to take part in swimming.
Elementary Student Council will host a Movie Night on Friday, January 31, 2020. All families and friends are welcome to join our showing of “Abominable.” The show begins at 6:00 PM. Attendance is free but snacks will be sold for fundraising purposes. We hope to see you there!
We are seeing more and more examples of our students indpendently making a difference in the world. This week I would like to share the following:
Our young students are making a difference. This is Sophie below from KG who raised a total of 600 USD, and made a donation to World Wildlife Federation (WWF) to help the animals in Australia. She asked her friends to donate money for her birthday rather than buy her a present.
This is an example that one small action can trigger change . We are very proud of Sophie, her sister Emma in Grade 3 and all the KGB students who contributed .

You have probably heard about the emerging virus in South China called the Coronavirus. It affects the respiratory system and is being spread from human to human. There are reported cases in Japan, South Korea, and Thailand. Currently there are no cases reported in Myanmar. However, due to our proximity with China, it would not be surprising if we start seeing cases here in the near future.
The following recommendation has been shared with our clinic from the Bureau of Medical Services, US Department of State:
Recommendations for the community regarding 2019-nCoV?
Encourage staff to rely on trusted sources for information and not the media hyperbole. Both WHO and CDC have excellent up to date information regarding 2029-nCoV. (For you as a provider CIDRAP and ProMED are excellent sites for the latest data)
Avoid live or dead animals and animal markets and persons exhibiting signs of respiratory illness
Report fever and lower respiratory tract symptoms (cough, shortness of breath)
Practice frequent good hand washing and cough etiquette (maintain distance, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and wash hands)
Ensure you have had an influenza immunization this season to minimize the chances of getting the flu that may mimic coronavirus infection
Preventive Measures Taken by ISY
The ISY Clinic is educating the ISY staff and community about this new virus
ISY is promoting, encouraging and teaching students correct hand washing techniques as well as respiratory hygiene.
ISY has hand sanitizer dispensers around campus
ISY emphasizes environmental cleaning and disinfecting of school supplies and school work surfaces are sanitized every day.
ISY encourages the community to have an annual flu vaccine and stay current with immunizations
The ISY Clinic Instructs teachers to be vigilant for the signs and symptoms of respiratory illness among students and report them to the clinic immediately
The ISY Clinic keeps the community informed with updated information regarding the status of this new virus
To stay healthy parents should:
Keep your children home if they are sick. ISY policy indicates that a child must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication (paracetamol, ibuprofen)
Teach your children how to wash their hands and practice good respiratory hygiene
Please see some links to useful posters about hygiene below.
Hand washing:×11.pdf
When to wash our hands:
Correct respiratory hygiene:
Please contact the clinic if you have any questions or concerns.
International day takes place on the 15th of February. Each country has a country coordinator that will be sharing information.
There will be a cultural show on the day with performances by students. Each act should be no longer than 3 minutes in length and ideally be a group piece involving several students. To participate in the cultural show, please sign-up here by Friday, January 24.
There are a limited number of spaces and signing up does not automatically mean your child will be performing. You will get an email notice after January 24 if the act has been approved.
There is a mandatory dress rehearsal the day before the cultural show, Fri, Feb 14 for all participating groups. It will be after school.
There will also be a Parade of Nations where students will walk with their flags. If a student would like to walk with a country other than their noted nationality in Powerschool, please email Communications Associate, Ivy Kuhn by Friday, January 24. Her email is
Previous Elementary School Posts
Elementary School Blog – August 14th, 2020
Read about the new Elementary School Principal, Mr. Simpson’s philosophy of education.
Elementary School Blog – June 10th, 2020
The last day of the school year is here, it certainly has been an interesting few months. I would like to thank you all for your support during virtual learning.
Elementary School Blog – June 5th, 2020
I hope the students enjoyed the assembly this week, it was a lot of fun. It was great to still be able to farewell our teachers and leaving students.
Elementary School Blog – May 29th, 2020
Next week will be our last full week of school. There will be slides up until Thursday. On Friday the 5th of June there will be no slides, the teams will have conferencing type activities planned, they will communicate these to you. Report cards will go home on Thursday the 4th of June.
Elementary School Blog – May 22nd, 2020
Thank you to all those who attended the parent meeting last night hosted by Dr Hedger. There is a lot of planning going on at the moment and as mentioned later in June you will be able to view more information on what the new school year might look like.
ISY Elementary School Blog – 15th May – 2020
Another week of virtual learning fun and experiences is over. We love keeping the learning connections with our students. Our teachers are working very hard to ensure that your children have access to the best learning virtually that we can possibly give them.
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040