ISY Elementary Blog
Elementary Update – November 27th

Sandy Sheppard, Elementary School Principal
Dear all,
I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. I hope you find many things to be thankful for. Remember to check the upcoming dates for all the wonderful upcoming school events. We have so much to celebrate and to be thankful for.
FYI the ES playground will be closed over the break. The trampolines are being installed during this time.
Have a great weekend.
Ms Sandy Sheppard

Grade 5 students sharing:
In an effort to support ISY’s problem-solving/conflict resolution program, Grade 5 students created board games that feature Kelso’s Choice’s. Over the last week, grade 5 students shared their projects with grade 2 and PrK students. Both groups had fun sharing, working, and playing together.
Please check the lost and found, all items still left before the winter break will be donated to a worthy cause.
The use of smart watches by students at school is very distracting in the classroom. These types of watches along with mobile phones should be kept in school bags. Please also note that we cannot be held responsibility for any lost items should you choose to have your child bring such a device to school.
The next Parent Association General Meeting will be at 7pm on Wednesday, December 4th in the Cafeteria.
The concert will be on the 11th of December. This year’s theme will be Myanmar poems set to music and performed by Grades 1-5.
Our visiting Author, Mary Coulson, will be holding a writing workshop on Thursday 5th December at 6pm in the Learning Commons for all students and parents. Come along and learn how to improve your writing skills. Please email the Library, at and let them know you’re coming.
Come along and join the fun on Saturday, December 7th. Students are raising money for the United World Schools Project.
Please bring in the Holiday Baskets items by December 6th to SAS306E or to your child’s class:
PreK – 4 toothbrushes/4 tooth paste
KG – Noodles – 4 packets
Grade 1 – 1 bottle of shampoo
Grade 2 – 3 bars of soap
Grade 3 – 1L of cooking oil
Grade 4 – 1 packet of sugar
Grade 5 – 2Kg of rice
United World Schools
ISY sent 27 swimmers in grades 1-12 to the ISPP Plunge international swim competition in Phnom Penh over the weekend. The parent support and the large crowd made the event exciting for all of our swimmers! Thank you to Mrs V from Grade 5 who chaperoned this trip.
28/29th November – Thanksgiving Holiday/No school
4th December – Parent Association meeting – 7 PM
5th December – Visiting Author event
7th December – UWS Sports-a-thon -Fundraising Event
11th December – Winter Concert (Grade 1-5 only) 5:30 – 7:30 in front of A Building
13th December – Last day before Winter Break
Lice Aren’t Nice but they are back on campus.
What are the signs of an infestation?
You may see black specs on the pillow, which is the waste product of the lice.
Your child may start scratching his/her head, particularly behind the ears and around the nape of the neck. Irritation is usually a sign of a prolonged infestation. However, not everyone with head lice scratches.
You may be able to see nits (empty egg cases).
How to check hair?
The best way to check is by weekly examination and detection combing on
wet (towel dry) hair:
1. Divide the hair into sections. Work on one section at a time and use a fine toothed nit comb.
2. Place the teeth at an angle as close to the scalp as possible and draw the comb slowly
through the hair right to the ends. Wipe the comb on a tissue after each combing and
inspect for lice.
3. Repeat until the whole head has been combed or until a live louse is found.
What to do if your child has head lice?
1. Don’t panic. Head lice can happen to anyone and is a common nuisance.
2. Check the hair of all family members and treat everyone who is infested at the same time.
3. Inform your ISY’s Medical Clinic so that potential spread inside the classrooms can be monitored.
4. Follow the recommended treatment plan from the Center for Disease Control (CDC):
Head lice? Easy to cope with if we act together!
Thank you for your co-operation! If you have questions or want further information, speak with staff in the ISY Medical Clinic. Ask us about a confidential head check.
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Elementary School Blog – November 29th
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The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040