ISY Elementary Blog
Elementary Update – October 10th

Sandy Sheppard, Elementary School Principal
Dear all,
Thank you to all the parents who helped some of our classes celebrate the Thadingyut Light Festival. Our next event will be our annual Halloween celebrations.
We wish you a very happy holiday.
Sandy Sheppard

Kindergarten Lanterns
Our first literacy open house will take place on the 24th of October. You are welcome to attend your child’s class anytime between 8:30 and 9:30 AM. You can stay as long or as short a time period as you like. There will be no special events it is just an opportunity for you to see your child learning in the classroom.
From 9:30 to 10:00 AM there will be a parent presentation in the Learning Commons from our Literacy Expert who is visiting, Joan Turner. We encourage you to attend this wonderful opportunity. Mark your calendar.

PreK H have been enjoyed having Ms Johnson’w dogs visit them on campus. They are learning a lot about caring for others. This fits well with our school Mission as it relates to compassion.
11th October – No school
October Holiday 11th – 20th October(see you back at school on the 21st)
24th October – ES Literacy Morning – 8:15 – 9:30 AM
24th October – Literacy Parent Presentation in the Learning Commons – 9:30 – 10:00 AM
25th October – ES Movie Night – Library Courtyard – 6:00-8:00 PM
30th October – ES Grades 3-5 Soccer on the field 3:00-5:00 PM
31st October – Halloween (more information to come)
8th November – Progress reports go home
21st November – Parent Conferences / No school for students
All families are invited to join the showing of “The Secret Life of Pets 2” on Friday, October 25th. This outdoor screening will be held in the library courtyard and will begin at 6:00 PM. The show is free to attend, although donations are appreciated. Snacks will be for sale.
We do not encourage students to bring phones to school. However, should you need your child to have a phone please be aware of the following:
Phones should remain in the students bags, they should not be used until they have left the school grounds.
We cannot be held responsible for any lost or damage of phones.
Previous Elementary School Posts
Elementary School Blog – November 14th
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Elementary School Blog – November 8th
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Elementary School Blog – November 1st
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Elementary School Blog – October 25th
Read the blog this week and find our more about what is happening in the Elementary School.
Elementary School Blog – October 11th
Read the blog this week and find our more about what is happening in the Elementary School.
Elementary School Blog – October 4th
Read the blog this week and find our more about what is happening in the Elementary School.
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