ISY Events
Family Fun Night March 7, 2020
We are looking forward to seeing you at the ISY Family Fun Night on March 7th between 5pm and 7pm. The second annual event of this kind is to raise funds for the school in Wan Kaung that you have all raised the money to build.
There will be a large number of activities available to take part in. Some will come with a cost to participate like the popular Escape Rooms for instance and other are completely free. There will be activities for the whole school and parents can get involved too. Examples include Jungle Ball, Dodgeball, Capture the chicken, Gunny Sack Racing, Escape Rooms, Karaoke, Carnival Games, Sumo, Ninja Warrior Course and at the end of the evening the great ISY Family Fun Night Waterballoon fight!
Learning Chinlone!
The entrance fee is donation based, with a recommended donation of 5,000 kyats per student, 10,000 kyats per adult or 15,000 kyats per family. The entrance ticket includes access to team games and sports, video games, ping pong, movies, the swimming pool, board games, and more. Other activities are extra and will require additional payment (booking and prices at the entrance). A hand stamp will be given upon entering campus.
Sponsor a Wan Kaung Student!
ISY has launched a new program to help raise funds for the Wan Kaung School / United World Schools Project. There are 80 students at the school in Wan Kaung Village. Our yearly commitment is $10,000 USD which means that the educational cost for each child effectively comes to $125 USD per year or just over $10 USD per month. We would like to invite you to sponsor a Wan Kaung child’s educational cost with either a $10 per month (15,000 Ks) donation or $125 for a whole year (180,000 Ks). The donation will not be tied to an individual student but will be part of our collective fund-raising efforts. Payments can be made at the business office or at the Family Fun Night.
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040