ISY Elementary Blog
Elementary Update – May 1st, 2020
Sandy Sheppard, Elementary School Principal
Dear all,
Thank you to all the parents who joined the virtual coffee morning yesterday. The chat was recorded and can be found here.
In addition, here is the link to the presentation, there are some valuable resources which you may want to access.
Wishing you all the best.
Sandy Sheppard
Filling the Bucket
6th May – Global Citizens, Virtual Wednesday
4th June – Report Cards
10th June – Last day of school for the 19-20 school year
Principal –
Counselor –
Office –
Resilience is the ability to bounce back or adapt when things don’t go the way we hoped. In unprecedented times, such as these, certainly there are many things that aren’t going as we had once planned or expected. Fortunately, resilience is a skill we can nurture in ourselves and teach to our children.
Resilience has three important elements, control, challenge and commitment. A resilient person focuses on aspects that they can control. We may not be able to control this pandemic but we can control our attitude in addressing it. Challenge: resilient people see obstacles as challenges for growth not affirmations of inability. They are not paralzed by failure but are energized, enabling them to overcome whatever barriers hinder their success. Finally resilient people are committed. They set goals and plan. They dedicate time and energy to all areas of their life, work, family and social connections.
So how can we nurture these qualities and skills in our children?
Control: Provide opportunities for your child to risk. Allow them to try new things. As parents, sometimes we want to protect our kids by ensuring their success. Although well intentioned, often this doesn’t allow our children to develop independent skills. Skills that enable them to identify what aspects of the task were in their control and what areas were beyond them.
Challenge: Let your child see you fail. Highlight your everyday mistakes. Demonstrate to them how these mini “failures” are opportunities for you to grow and learn. Failure isn’t the end, it’s only the beginning.
Commitment: Demonstrate to your children your personal goals and how you achieve them. It might be your daily exercise, sleep routine or healthy eating habits. Demonstrating a hard working, dedicated attitude provides an example that can influence them for years to come.
Resilient individuals have a positive attitude toward the future, they tend to achieve more goals, they have better control over their emotional reactions, they maintain healthy relationships and they express empathy and compassion.
If you have any questions or concerns, regarding this or other topics, please feel free to contact me, Ms. Patty at I am happy to connect over email or in an online chat.
Helpful Links:
Virtual Learning
Please feel free to send in virtual learning photos that I can put in this blog. Below you can see some of the pictures from our Global Citizens, Virtual Wednesday this week.
Compassionate Chinthes
On Wednesday, our wonderfully compassionate students made a plan to show compassion to those around them with love, fun, and by being helpful.
They also had a bit of creative fun by drawing a flat chinthe, making a bucket to fill with love and kindness, pretending to be a teacher and coming up with lyrics to a new ISY school song!
We love watching the students come in on Wednesday. They are so creative and compassionate. Next week we are going to see how courageous they are! Here is a link to more of the pictures.
In case you are looking for something to do as a family see the new scavenger hunt below. If you take part please feel free to take a photo and send it to me at my email above. The photos will be featured in next weeks blog.
Scavenger Hunt fun
I can’t wait to see your pictures
Previous Elementary School Posts
Elementary School Blog – May 29th, 2020
Next week will be our last full week of school. There will be slides up until Thursday. On Friday the 5th of June there will be no slides, the teams will have conferencing type activities planned, they will communicate these to you. Report cards will go home on Thursday the 4th of June.
Elementary School Blog – May 22nd, 2020
Thank you to all those who attended the parent meeting last night hosted by Dr Hedger. There is a lot of planning going on at the moment and as mentioned later in June you will be able to view more information on what the new school year might look like.
ISY Elementary School Blog – 15th May – 2020
Another week of virtual learning fun and experiences is over. We love keeping the learning connections with our students. Our teachers are working very hard to ensure that your children have access to the best learning virtually that we can possibly give them.
ISY Elementary School Blog – 8th May – 2020
Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey this week. The feedback you provide is so important to us. An email will be sent out soon that will summarize the feedback given.
ISY Elementary School Blog – 24th April – 2020
I hope everyone received their child/ren progress reports and that you had the opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher. This was a wonderful opportunity to remain connected.
ISY Elementary School Blog – 10th April – 2020
Happy Thingyan break. There will be no slides posted on Friday. Slides will be posted again on the 17th of April for a start back date of the 20th of April.
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