Athletics & Community Blog

Following our phased plan of increasing campus facility use, ISY is now opening up outdoor spaces to all students and parents starting Tuesday, December 1. This includes the playgrounds, field, and upper court. In addition, all students, including elementary school students, may now access the swimming pool following the guidelines below. The aerobic fitness area and weight room continue to be available to middle school, high school and parents only.
Time slots of up to 60 minutes for the outdoor areas are bookable from 1-6pm weekdays and 8am-6pm weekends by clicking on this form. At the moment each time slot must be signed up for individually. We are working on a new system to allow multiple sign ups at once which we hope to have live at the end of next week. If a time slot does not appear, it has been filled and is no longer available. No more than 30 people total will be permitted to use the outdoor spaces, including the field, upper court and playground, at one time. Groups of up to six people will be permitted and group activities / games should include no more than six people. Close contact sports will not be permitted at this time. Visitors must provide their own sports equipment.
Elementary school students MUST be accompanied by a parent or adult supervisor at all times. One parent / adult must accompany no more than five students. The parent and child(ren) must all must sign-up online to an available time slot ahead of time in order to maintain proper social distancing measures. ISY is not responsible for supervision of students during these times.
Time slots of 30 to 60 minutes are available for lap swimming in the same form. No more than four people are allowed in the pool at one time, unless a parent is sharing a lane with a child. Parents may accompany ES students into the pool area but must keep their masks on and socially distance using the available seating in the pool area. Users must shower poolside with soap before entering the water. The pool will be open from 6am to 6pm Monday to Saturday.
Please note masks need to be worn in all public areas of the school, except while in the water. This includes while using the outdoor facilities for small group games and activities. We also ask that you make every attempt to practice social distancing. Please always enter through the front steps area as this entrance is outfitted with a thermal camera to check temperatures. In addition, please bring your school ID to avoid the need to sign-in at the front gate. We also ask that everyone wash their hands at the sinks on the front steps before entering the campus. The indoor gym is not available at this time.
Any questions should be addressed to Ms. Isom:
Athletics, Arts, and Activities – Sept 20, 2024
This week’s blog contains a farewell from the outgoing Athletics and Activities Coordinator.
Athletics, Arts, and Activities – Sept 13, 2024
This week’s blog contains a farewell from the outgoing Athletics and Activities Coordinator.
Athletics, Arts, and Activities – Sept 6, 2024
This week’s blog contains a farewell from the outgoing Athletics and Activities Coordinator.
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040