At the ISY Clinic we are very happy to see the students back on campus after 2 years of online learning. We would like to take this opportunity to mention a few reminders from the Health Clinic:
Immunizations: These are important to keep all our students safe and healthy. Make sure your child is up-to-date on all immunizations. If your child has received new immunizations, please submit the records to the Clinic (clinic@isyedu.org) as soon as possible so we can update your child’s medical file. We have sent all parents an email indicating their children’s immunization status. Please make sure you review this and let us know if you have any questions. This information can also be found on Powerschool. Please make sure you find the column “Compliance Status”. This is where you can see your child’s immunization status. Compliance means your child is not missing the specified immunization. “Non-compliant” means your child is missing one or more doses of this vaccine.
The S.O.S International Clinic will come to our school to administer vaccines to students with missing doses. Please, fill out this Vaccination Form indicating which vaccines your child will receive. If you are uncertain, contact us.
Covid-19 Temporary Measures – August 2022
- Mask wearing indoors while with other people will be mandatory. All students will be required to wear a mask indoors and this includes the gym. The exceptions are the pool and while eating.
- Students will be encouraged to eat outdoors as much as possible. Students will be allowed to eat indoors and in the cafeteria for now but will be encouraged to socially distance while eating.
- Classrooms at ISY will be well ventilated with doors and windows open as much as possible.
- Students will be encouraged to wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer regularly and we ask that students keep up this practice at home.
- Covid-19 test kits will be sent home with students every Friday (2 per student). We ask everyone to test on Sunday and Wednesday evenings.
- If a student tests positive we ask that you inform the ISY Clinic as soon as possible to get advice on how long the student should remain at home (clinic@isyedu.org). We will continue to inform you of the first cases of Covid if they occur in your Grade or if a student’s teacher has a suspected case.
- If a student has flu like symptoms (fever, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, muscle/joint aches, tiredness) please keep them at home, test them using a rapid test kit and monitor them closely.

All medication should be hand-delivered to the nurse’s office by the parent/guardian. Children are not encouraged to be transporting medication to school in their backpacks or lunch boxes unless the teacher/nurse has an email notifying her that the medication is in their bag.
Children with a temperature of 100F degrees or higher will be sent home immediately. Please keep students home from school until they remain fever-free (below 100F degrees) for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. Children with other symptoms of a possibly communicable disease will also be sent home from school at the discretion of the school doctor/nurse.
Screenings: All students in Preschool through Fifth grade, as well as students who are new to the school will have a hearing/vision screening performed this year. If there is an abnormal finding, parents will be notified by letter/email. Please contact the school nurse if you have any concerns regarding your child and the screening process.

Food Allergies: Several students at ISY have food allergies. It is imperative that parents notify the school Health Clinic and the child’s teacher of any food allergies as soon as possible. A food allergy can turn into a potentially life-threatening situation. Please notify the School Clinic/teacher if your child requires an Epipen Autoinjector (Epinephrine) and submit specific instructions on how to care for your child in case a severe reaction were to occur. This form must be filled out for those students diagnosed with severe food or other types of severe allergies.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Have a safe and healthy school year !
ISY School Clinic
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040, Ext: 5
Dr. Aye Myat Myat Mon
Sidd Nixon, RN
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040