
Grades 9 & 10 have the opportunity to study photography and through this medium share a wonderful array of images.


Students in Grades 9 and 10 get the opportunity to take a photography class as an elective subject.  Each year ISY submits work to various competitions.  Some of their great work can be seen here. 

These photos were submitted to the Children’s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice 2020 competition. Click on any image to view the full gallery.

Stories about the arts

Online Murals

Online Murals

Six Seniors have collaborated on a CAS project to produce three online murals. Their work can be seen in this post.

Canvas Mural

Canvas Mural

One of ISY’s after school activities is a group called Canvas who meet up every week and engage in extra-curricular art activities led by the Secondary Art teacher – Mr. Nichols.

Photography Success

Photography Success

Back in June, four of our photographers won recognition at the Lidice Fine Art Competition. ISY was also recognized for the total work submitted.