Secondary Principal’s Blog
April 24, 2020, Update

Christina Powers, Secondary School Principal
Dear Parents,
Today our virtual learning progress reports were sent home to parents and students. It is my hope that the information will be helpful as we progress through the next six weeks of school.
Please know that teachers are available to zoom, skype, or google chat with parents who would like to engage in a conversation. If you are interested in talking with teachers, please email the teacher directly to schedule a meeting time.
Virtual Parent Coffee: On Wednesday, April 29, 2020, the secondary school will be hosting two virtual coffees.
- Middle school session will run from 8:00-8:45 AM
- Zoom Link
- High School session will run from 9:30-10:15 AM Yangon time.
- Zoom Link
The coffee agenda will include the following:
- Program update – Creative Wednesdays
- Counselor update
- Wellness tips
- Question and Answers
Please join us for a coffee chat. We look forward to seeing you soon. I will be sending out the zoom meeting information out in an email this Monday.
Social-Emotional Support: The move to virtual learning has accentuated our student’s natural need for connections. For many of our students the shift has been emotional and at times isolating. In an effort to address this issue our counselors have been offering a variety of ways to support and engage students. Below are just a few ways our counselors are supporting students. As parents do not hesitate to contact a counselor for guidance and support. Mick AG (High School)- or Mr. Ron Fast (Middle School) –
Main activities in which counselors are supporting the community:
- Parent Coffees- Meet virtually with parents to answer questions or to discuss concerns they may have with virtual learning. The first meeting Is Wed April 27, 2020.
- Drop-in support – Similar to a regular school day, the counselors are available for “drop-ins” during the lunch period. This will occur from 12:50 to 1:40 (Myanmar time) Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri. He can be contacted through email or google hangouts.
- Weekly Challenges – On Tuesday afternoons a weekly challenge will be shared with all high school students and staff can attempt. This will be on Padlet, a community bulletin board, where we can view how each of us attempts the challenge!
- Chill and Chats – On Wednesdays, starting on April 29th, the counselors will host a zoom meeting with each grade level for 30 minutes.
- Guidance Lessons – Our counselors will continue to come into classes each month by grade level and present/host on topics relevant to students at each grade level.
- Transitions- Assisting with students and families transitioning to different schools. Collaborating with the 5th-grade counselor to create a transition program for 5th program for 5th graders moving to 6th grade.
- Wellness Survey – Counselors will send out a weekly wellness survey to all students in grades 6 to 12. The information is considered by the counselors and a summary reported to the principal. The counselors then follow up with individual students.
- Reach Outs – If a student falls behind academically, a teacher is worried about someone, a student is not engaging in course work or other challenges arise, the counselors will contact students and/or parents through email and hangouts to offer to chat or talk over video.
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040