Secondary School Blog


Mike Simpson

Secondary School Principal

April 26, 2024

It was great to see so many parents attending Tuesday’s Parent Student Teacher conferences. It was also very pleasing to see so many students in those conferences.

To me, those conferences mark the beginning of the final, very important, part of the school year which include exams for our High School students from May 8. Exams are one of many types of assessment that we use at ISY to develop a fair and accurate understanding of student academic achievement levels. Below you will find an explanation as to why we do High School exams.

One reason for High School exams is to prepare our students for the IB Diploma final exams they will have in Grade 12.

Our Seniors have now started their IB Diploma final exams. This is an exciting and nerve-racking time for them and we will be supporting them all the way. We are looking forward to celebrating with them on May 28 at their graduation.

Secondary School Events

This week: 

April 24-May 17: IB Diploma Exams (Grade 12)

Wednesday: Labor Day Holiday (no school)


  • University Admissions – Mastering the Art of Securing University Scholarships Worldwide in the ISY Library (below the Multi-Purpose Room on Floor 1) at 6pm (see below for details)

Friday: Parent Association Social (see below for details)

Upcoming Events

May 8-14: High School (Grade 9-11) Exams. Click here for a schedule and see below for an explanation as to why we do them.

May 8: Grade 5 to 6 Transition Parent Meeting – 5:30pm to 6:30pm in Multi-Purpose Room

May 16: Grade 8 to 9 Transition Parent Meeting – 5:30pm to 6:30pm in Multi-Purpose Room

May 22: Full Moon Day (no school)

May 28: Graduation

June 5: Quarter 4 / Semester 2 Report Cards live on Powerschool

June 7: Last Day of School. 11:30am finish

High School Counseling Corner

University Admissions – Mastering the Art of Securing University Scholarships Worldwide

On Wednesday, April 24, at 6:00 pm in the Library (Floor 1), our ISY High School Counselor will present on securing scholarships. Explore the global landscape of university scholarships, providing a comprehensive guide on how international students can navigate the application process and increase their chances of success.

Activities & Athletics

Here is a link to Mr. O’Sullivan’s Athletics and Activities Blog for up-to-date information regarding Activities and Athletics at ISY.

High School Final Exams: Why do we do them?

Our Grade 9, 10 and 11 students will sit Final Exams in May. 

Exams are one of many types of assessment that we use at ISY to develop a fair and accurate understanding of student academic achievement levels. 

For an assessment to be effective in helping us develop a fair and accurate understanding of what each student understands, we must be clear in our purpose for the assessment. Here are four reasons why students in Grades 9, 10, and 11 sit Final Exams at ISY:

Experience: Our Grade 12 students are about to sit their final IB Diploma exams. It is important that students feel confident and capable of showing what they know in an exam. To feel confident and capable in an exam, it is important for our students, with the support of their teachers, to experience exam conditions (no talking, sitting in rows, time limits, being supervised by a proctor, etc). With the support of their teachers, students will learn that they are able to show what they know in exam conditions. After the exams, teachers will help students reflect on their exam experience to develop more confidence and capability for next time.

Technique: Like sport or playing a musical instrument, good exam technique is very important for students to be able to show what they are capable of. Students also feel more confident going into an exam if they know they have good techniques to study for and sit exams. Our teachers have studied and will share with students the following proven study techniques summarized in this Strengthening the Student Toolbox article.

  • Practice testing: self-testing or taking practice tests on material to be tested in the exam.
  • Distributed practice: making a schedule of study that spreads out different subjects or study activities over time.
  • Interleaved practice: making a schedule of study that mixes different kinds of problems or questions in one study session.
  • Self-explanation: explaining to yourself (or another person) how to use what you know to answer a question or solve a problem.

Here is a simple explanation of these proven study techniques.

Learning techniques like these will help students develop a study timetable that works for them. Teachers will also tell students what type of questions they can expect on the exams and share techniques that will help answer them.

Review: Exams provide an opportunity to review previously taught skills and knowledge that teachers have identified as important to consolidate for students to build on next year. Teachers will tell students what will be tested and how it will be tested.

Data: To develop a fair and accurate assessment of a student’s academic achievement level, teachers use data from different assessments throughout the year. As students learn to sit exams, it is important for students to understand that a Final Exam is just one assessment that teachers gather data from to understand what their academic achievement level is. The grade on the final report card comes from assessment data gathered throughout the year, including the Final Exam. A disappointing exam result at the end of the year does not cancel out what the student has proven they are capable of in earlier assessments.

A High School Final Exam is not an ‘all or nothing’ assessment.


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