Secondary Principal’s Blog
April 3, 2020, Update

Christina Powers, Secondary School Principal
Dear Parents,
This week I came across the following quote that resonated with me given our current environment.
“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.” – Eckhart Tolle.
As our ISY community continues to disperse into various parts of the world we have all had to adjust and flow with the changes. Remaining adaptable and positive in an ever-changing world is imperative and is our goal as we move through the school year. Our students have done a great job of working with teachers as their learning journey continues. Although at times the situation may be challenging, the warmth and connectedness of our community have enabled students and teachers to work together through the learning process.
The parent and student feedback have allowed us to make some adjustments in the delivery of our virtual lessons. Thank you for your feedback as we truly believe that quality learning will only occur with an ongoing partnership. Below are the main items that were mentioned by students and parents that we are addressing.
- Clear directions- Step by step directions with clear expectations and deadlines
- Use of video when explaining the classes requirements
- Personal contact – Teachers will be hosting zoom meetings or google meet during class time.
As parents, some of you may be wondering if your child is staying on track and submitting assignments. In order to help ensure that you remain informed, but not inundated with emails we will take the following course of action. Teachers will email students directly as often when tasks that have not been submitted this tends to be due to a simple error or misunderstanding. If there continues to be a lack of initiative or understanding on the part of the student, the counselors or office will be reaching out to parents to let you know we are concerned and to see what we can do to support you and your child with their learning. If you find that your child needs support, but will not ask for help, please email our counselors Mr. Ron Fast or Mr. AG and we will find a way to support your child.
Thank you once again for your feedback. Please know that you are welcome to email me at if you have specific questions.
Next Week in Secondary School
- Teachers will be completing the Q3 reports this upcoming week. It is our goal to have reports available to parents by the end of the week. When reports are available, the office will send an email letting you know they are available on PowerSchool.
- MS and HS student community gathering– On Wednesday at 3:00 and/or 3:30 PM I will be hosting a zoom meeting with students. I will be emailing students with more information next week. The purpose of the zoom is to maintain our ISY community and to check in with one another.
- April 13-17th there will be no classes as we will be celebrating the Thingyan Holiday
Please see the article below for helpful strategies to stay relaxed.
Help Your Family De-Stress By Sierra Filucci
Manage family stress. Kids pick up on our anxiety, so it’s important to manage your own feelings first. Take deep breaths, go for a walk, or do whatever you need to do to bring your own stress levels down. Here are some other ideas for the whole family:
- Meditate. We’ve got apps for kids and families that can help you visualize a more peaceful setting, align your breath with your yoga poses, or focus on what you’re grateful for.
- Get help. This collection of mental health apps might be the answer to a tween or teen who is really struggling but can’t get face-to-face care right away.
- Stay active. If you’re stuck inside, you’ll need to get creative to get everyone moving. Set up an obstacle course, play hide-and-seek, and watch some exercise videos on YouTube as a family. Also, try:
- Move around. Our collection of apps, websites, and video games that inspire running, jumping, or, um, conducting music might be the perfect thing to keep things active.
Maintain healthy habits. Aside from the basics of washing hands and covering coughs, consider using this opportunity to dig into overall health. Here are some resources with different approaches to wellness:
- Feel better. Check out these health-focused apps to pass the time while also getting some tips on eating well, exercising, and even managing the stress of an illness.
Double down on distraction. If you’re feeling frazzled, the best medicine is a cozy night on the couch with family and giant laughs. Also, turn off the news, silence your notifications, and get your kids to do the same. Here are the funniest picks we recommend:
- Laugh together. Whether you prefer classic comedies or fresher fare, these funny movies will force everyone to forget their worries for a while.
- Get goofy. This list of silly movies might not include the finest filmmaking, but for tweens and teens, they tickle the funny bone in just the right place.
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