
Mike Simpson
Secondary School Principal
August 18, 2023
We are very happy to be back! The campus looks great thanks to the hard work of our maintenance and custodial team and on Wednesday it was wonderful to greet our students on our new Teak Steps.
There is an overriding sense of happiness and togetherness on campus and our new students have been welcomed with open arms.
Personally, I consider it a real privilege to belong to this community. Belonging is a universal human need and I am grateful that we belong to an unbroken and unbreakable chain of Chinthes.
The Chinthe chain goes back to the 1950s and will carry on well into the future. We are just one link in the chain – but a very important one. We link the past to the future.
Today, we all benefit greatly from the hard work, high standards, and compassion of those Chinthes who went before us. It is our responsibility to maintain what has been passed up the chain to us and then pass it on to the next generation of Chinthes – stronger than before. The stronger the Chinthe chain is, the stronger we are as individuals.
We reflected on this in our first assembly on Wednesday and judging by the last three days, the Chinthe chain is as strong as it has ever been. It is going to be a great year!

Secondary School Events
This Week:
- Tuesday: HS Volleyball Trials
- Thursday: HS Volleyball Trials
Coming Up:
- After School Activities Start: Monday, August 28
- Back to School Night: Thursday August 31 at 5:30pm (details will follow next week)
The ISY Parent Association (PA)
In the Friday Notices today you will see information in regards to our Parent Association. The first step each school year is to elect new offices for the board of the PA. If you are interested in being part of the PA, please check the Friday Notices for how you can put your name forward. The next step will be a meeting to form the 23-24 ISY Parent Association. The involvement of parents on the ISY campus plays a major role in the success of school events, teacher appreciation, and community building. The Parent Association is made up of a parent board to provide leadership and then a series of committees to lead parent involvement in a number of areas. These include our International Day event and other events, a ‘connecting parents’ group, a group that awards Service learning Grants, and a group for teacher appreciation at the end of the year. If you would like to know more about the Parent Association, please reach out to the school office.
Activities & Athletics
Please refer to Mr. O’Sullivan’s Athletics and Activities Blog using this link to find out all the information regarding Activities and Athletics at ISY.
This week’s blog contains important information about After-School Activities (ASAs) which will start on Monday, August 28. ASA sign ups will open this Monday, August 21. It also contains important information about Swim Team Trials.
Nourish Healthy Meal Plan
We are excited to announce that Nourish have created a healthy meal plan and a pilot for this will take place at ISY from Monday 21st August. Prices for the meal plan are Kyats 10,000 for PreK to Grade 2 and Kyats 15,000 for Grades 3 to 12. Please also view the Nourish Ordering Procedures by clicking the button below, which includes a user guide showing you how to place an order. We encourage all students to sign up for this Nourish healthy meal plan.
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040