Secondary Principal’s Blog
August 21, 2020, Update

Christina Powers, Secondary School Principal
It is great to have high School Students back on campus. Being with them has renewed the smiles on their teacher’s faces and filled the campus with energy. Although postponing the middle school start date was not ideal for our middle school students, it did allow us to fine-tune handwashing procedures, traffic flow, technology, and lunch pickup. Ensuring the safety of our students is a high priority and the staggered start time of the divisions has been beneficial for this endeavor. We have been proud of our students as they have followed protocols and procedures that allow all of us to be safe.
A few parents have asked about the protocol, masks while on campus. All teachers while with students must wear a mask when in the presence of a student. Students must wear their masks but may remove them while in class with the permission of the classroom teacher.
In order to obtain feedback regarding the start of the year, I have emailed a brief survey to parents and students asking for feedback. Please take a moment to respond to the email if you are a high school parent.
Lunchtime procedures: Starting on Monday, each class and grade level will have a separate basket for their home lunch pick up. The sign will include the grade, class name, and room number on the basket. Please place your child’s lunch in the basket that pertains to their class. If you are going to order lunch, please do so the midnight before you would like to eat.
Middle School Students: In an effort to transition our students on campus, Middle School students will be invited to school on the day listed below. During this day our students will reconnect with one another, discuss hygiene protocols, develop classroom agreements, and other understandings. This day will help reconnect students and allow us to begin middle school once we are permitted to open this section of the school.
The transition day will run from 8:00- 2:15 on the days listed below:
Wednesday, August 26, 2020 – Grade 6 students
Thursday, August 27, 2020- Grade 7 students
Friday, August 28, 2020- Grade 8 students
A reminder that students will not be permitted to participate in our programs until the government-mandated declaration has been completed on Power School. In addition, if you have recently returned to Myanmar, please do not send your child to school until your quarantine is completely finished.
Once again, It is great having our students back on campus. We look forward to having the entire Chinthe family back together again soon.
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040