Secondary School Blog

Chinthe Communities

Mike Simpson

Secondary School Principal

June 7, 2024

This morning, the Secondary School finished the year with an Olympiad. Groups of students of all different grade levels (including our new Grade 6 students) worked through fun challenges together. Click here to see some photos of what we did.

Olympiads are an ISY tradition and today’s one had special significance – it was the launch of our new Chinthe Communities initiative. From next year, all students will belong to a Chinthe Community – a group of students (and teachers) from all different grade levels who will work and play together throughout the year. Ensuring that everyone at ISY has a deep sense of belonging to our community is very important to us. These Chinthe Communities are a way to deepen that sense of belonging in all students and have them connect with students in different grade levels.

In working and playing together, there will be wonderful opportunities for older students to provide leadership and support to younger students and for all students to live our compassionate Mission and Vision everyday.

This morning’s Olympiad was a great way to finish the year together and I am very much looking forward to starting next year together.

That said, as is the case every year, some of us will not be returning to ISY next year. To those of you moving on, thank you for all you have contributed to our Chinthe Community and you are always welcome here. To those returning, see you all on Monday, August 19!

Chinthe Expeditions Next Year

As Dr. Hedger wrote in his End of Year Message to our community, this year has been particularly productive. In his message, Dr. Hedger referred to the return to our Chinthe Expeditions as being a real highlight. These expeditions focused on internationalism, belonging, service, and the Sustainable Development Goals.

We are happy to announce that Chinthe Expeditions will run again next year. More details will follow in the new school year but we wanted to share with you the planned dates and locations for each grade level’s expedition:

Sunday, December 1 to Friday, December 6, 2024

  • Grade 12: Malacca, Malaysia.
  • Grade 11: Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
  • Grades 9 and 10: Chiang Mai, Thailand

Sunday, January 5* to Friday, January 10, 2025

  • Grades 6, 7, and 8: Chiang Mai, Thailand.

*Please note that Sunday, January 5 is the Sunday before school starts back after the December holidays. This fits the direct flight schedule between Yangon and Chiang Mai.

We are really looking forward to another series of enjoyable and meaningful expeditions. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

Secondary School Events

Upcoming Events

First Day of School for 2024-2025: Monday, August 19

Activities & Athletics

Here is a link to Mr. O’Sullivan’s Athletics and Activities Blog for up-to-date information regarding Activities and Athletics at ISY.