Secondary Principal’s Blog
March 20, 2020, Update

Christina Powers, Secondary School Principal
This week has been exciting as your children have had the opportunity to adjust to learning through virtual lessons. Thank you for your ongoing feedback as it will help us adjust our lessons to meet your children’s needs.
As circumstances shift we will continue to adjust in order to meet the needs of our families.
Just a few things to keep in mind as we move forward.
- Grade 12 exams- The IBO sent the following message today. “We are working through many options with the utmost urgency and will be providing a decision on the May 2020 examination session and the options available for schools and students no later than 27 March 2020. As we have updated information, it will be shared with you.
- Lessons will be posted the day before the course is scheduled at 4:00 PM and will continue to follow the Day 1- Day 2 schedule. Monday’s classes will be posted on Sunday at 4:00 PM. Please see the master calendar on the website as the days are now listed on the master calendar
- Class attendance– An attendance question is asked for each lesson. This is just our way of ensuring students access the day’s information, it will not be used to determine if a student is late to a class. Students can access the course at any time as students are in a variety of time zones.
- Live teaching sessions– Teachers will offer group discussions to students who are able to be present for the interactive lesson. Those who are in a different time zone will be able to see the recorded session as it will be posted on google classroom.
- Class Assignments will be due the next time the class meets. Students can submit assignments late with no penalty. We have scheduled deadlines in order to help our students maintain a reasonable schedule. The length of the assignments should be approximately 60 minutes with no homework.
- Teacher available for support: Teachers will be available through appointment or 8:00 am – 9:00 am AND 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm Yangon time to answer questions and provide support to students and parents.
Tips for students: Getting the most out of virtual learning
Dedicated learning space- Ensure the student has a space that is quiet. Students are encouraged to ask family and friends to respect your learning space. Students should turn off your phone and log off of distractions.
Know your learning objective for each class. -To stay on track with your online learning, make sure that you always keep in mind what you hope to accomplish by the end of the lesson. Consider starting with the most difficult tasks, as this will improve both the effectiveness of your study and your performance.
Set time limits: Before you start studying, estimate how much time each task will take to complete, whether it is a specific assignment or simply reading a chapter. Try to stick to your time limits, as this will help you develop your self-discipline.
Ask for help if you need it. Now is the time to learn to advocate for your learning needs. It is important that you share your concerns or needs so that we can help you be successful.
Review what you learned in the last lesson before jumping into the next lesson.
Take study breaks– Integrate some personal time into your study routine and you will be able to work more effectively on your online course goals. When taking a break, make sure that you get away from your study space; you need to have a change of scenery. A mild physical activity, such as a walk around the block, will help you maintain balance, renew energy, and go back to studying with a clear mind.
Participate in physical activity each day: This will help keep your body and mind healthy and positive.
Remember to use your digital safety skills: Exclusion or inappropriate comments are not acceptable.
Participate in online discussions. Join online learning formats that include live chats.
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040