Secondary School Blog

Service Learning

Mike Simpson

Secondary School Principal

May 17, 2024

Service learning at ISY can take many forms. Below are two examples of student-led projects developing out of what the students are learning in class. These examples come from High School music and Grade 8. Both are wonderful examples of our students being ‘a force for positive change in the world.’

Solar Power at Kalihtaw School

Grade 8 students are finishing the year working on service projects that benefit our school community and Chinthe Fund partners. These projects are run out of their Social Studies class but draw on what they are learning in all courses. By following the stages of the ISY Service Learning Cycle (Investigation, Preparation, Action, and Demonstration), students start with identifying a need, prepare and plan to meet that need, and then take action. A big part of this is identifying people and organizations in the community that they can partner with to ensure that their has the biggest possible impact.

An example of such a project is a project to provide Kalihtaw School with solar power. Today, a small group of students visited Kalihtaw school to do an assessment of what their energy needs are. They visited with an ISY parent who has experience in energy project such as this and another supporter of Kalihtaw School. Both had a lot of knowledge that they could share with the students as they completed their assessment. The students will continue to work with these partners until Kalihtaw School has the power they need.

Charity Concert for MCHP

Myanmar Children Health Project (MCHP) is an ISY student service learning group that organizes Hepatitis A vaccinations for children who might otherwise not be vaccinated. Their work is invaluable and money is needed to continue their work. 

Yesterday, there was a student-led and organized charity concert to raise funds for MCHP. Three High School music students were the driving force behind this concert which raised over 1,000,000 kyat that will be spent on vaccinating children. In addition to raising much needed money, these students provided other students with a fun way to sing to an audience (some for the first time) and they also learned a lot about what it takes to organize such an event. Real learning happens when we support students to lead projects such as this. And a real difference can be made to the lives of others.

The Photographic Society: Monochromatic Measures

Check out The Photographic Society’s Monochromatic Measures. The photographs are beautiful.

Secondary School Events

This week: 

Tuesday, May 21:

  • Middle School Movie Night: ‘Night at the Museum’  – Tuesday, May 21 at 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. The movie will be in Room 407E in the SAS Building. There is no entry fee. Food will be sold with all profits going to the Chinthe Fund.

Wednesday, May 22: Full Moon Day (no school)

Thursday, May 23:

  • SEASAC Athletics Award Ceremony: This student event will be held in the Gym from 4:30pm to 5:30pm

Friday, May 24:

  • Friday, Saturday, & Sunday: Middle School Model United Nations (MUN) at ISY

Saturday, May 25:

  • High School Prom – 6pm to 9pm at Sedona Hotel

Upcoming Events

May 28: Graduation – 5pm to 8pm at Pan Pacific Yangon

May 31: Middle School Dance – 5:30pm – 8pm in ISY Gym

June 5: Quarter 4 / Semester 2 Report Cards live on Powerschool

June 7: Last Day of School. 11:30am finish

Myanmar Breakfast Expo

Come and enjoy a traditional meal on our Covered Court. All parents are welcome!  Every week on a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 7:30am – 10:30am until May 31. The price is only 3,000 kyats per serving. Breakfast is also available until 10:30am for students! 

  • Monday – Mohingar 

  • Wednesday – Wai Wai Shan Noodles 

  • Friday – Coconut Noodle soup  

Why not enjoy a variety of refreshing coffees, smoothies and soft drinks available from Gusto and Nourish at ISY. Come along and enjoy a social breakfast with our community!

Activities & Athletics

Here is a link to Mr. O’Sullivan’s Athletics and Activities Blog for up-to-date information regarding Activities and Athletics at ISY.

Lost Property

Please note that any lost property that is not claimed by the end of next week will be donated to our Chinthe Fund Partners: Kalihtaw School and Care to the Least Center (CLC).


While we still have a lot to do in the last three weeks to finish this year strongly, we are very much focused on smooth and successful student transitions into next year. 

We place a lot of importance on transitioning students into their next grade level. We are also very careful to emphasize that all students are part of the same compassionate community – regardless of their grade level or whether they are in Elementary, Middle or High School.

This year, we have been very deliberate in strengthening the connections between the Elementary, Middle and High Schools. Last year, we combined the Elementary and Secondary School Offices, many of our teachers teach in Elementary and Secondary School, Middle and High School students continue to attend the same assemblies and celebrations together, and there have been some wonderful collaborations between grade levels across the school. Next year, we have more plans to strengthen student connections across the school. 

The connections between students from different parts of the school are also clear to see on the playground and the way that they interact with each other. This is very pleasing to us as it shows that our students feel that they belong to the same community and this is a feeling that we will keep nurturing at ISY.

As our students change grade levels or change from Elementary to Middle to High Schools, it is very helpful for them to feel that they are moving through the same community instead of moving on to a different one. The confidence that comes from belonging to a strong community is what makes for smooth and successful transitions through each student’s time at ISY.

Exams are Finished!

Congratulations to our Seniors who have now completed their IB Diploma Exams. We are very proud of them all and look forward to their graduation ceremony.