Secondary Principal’s Blog
May 29, 2020, Update

Christina Powers, Secondary School Principal
Dear Parents,
Thank you to all those who attended the Class of 2020’s Graduation Celebration. It was great to be able to celebrate as a community and to be able to wish our graduates the best in their future adventures.
As the year is coming to an end, families who are still in Yangon are encouraged to return textbooks and musical instruments to ISY. Please feel free to drop off these items at the front gate. In order to limit the traffic at school, families are encouraged to drop off their items at the time in which they will pick up their yearbooks. Please see the schedule below.
Yearbook Distribution
In order to manage the distribution of Yearbooks in an orderly way where social distancing can be applied we are going to stagger the distribution of the Yearbooks. The Yearbooks will be on the front steps and parents or students will need to come and pick them up from there. Names will be checked off and, if you have children in multiple grades, the books can be picked up together even if it isn’t the day for one of those grades. We ask that students do not stay around school to sign the Yearbooks with their friends. Exact times of the day when books will be available will be announced nearer the time.
Tuesday, 2nd June – Grades 6-7
Wednesday, 3rd June – Grades 8-9
Thursday, 4th June – Grades 10-12
Friday, 5th June – Secondary School catch up day for anyone who missed their day
Wednesday, 10th June – Whole school catch up
If you have already left Yangon but are returning, you can pick up your Yearbook in August. If you are not returning or would like someone else to pick up your Yearbook for you. Please fill out this form.
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040