Secondary Principal’s Blog
May 8, 2020, Update

Christina Powers, Secondary School Principal
Dear Parents,
- MS counselor:
- HS counselor:
As was requested in the parent coffee, below are the highlights of last week’s student survey. As always, the ISY leadership team will continue to collect student feedback every Friday and make adjustments to accommodate our students.
Difficulties that students are encountering with the virtual learning experience:
- Internet issues
- Not being able to attend online meetings because of time differences.
- Managing schoolwork/homework/chores
- Deadlines should be extended
- The counselor will be offering a student session on time management.
- Zoom/Chat sessions are being offered in core classes once a week to accommodate those who can not attend the regularly scheduled sessions.
Assessment at ISY in a Virtual Learning Context
All assessment practices at ISY are designed to provide a fair and accurate picture of a student’s achievement and progress in relation to the ISY curriculum standards.
In a virtual learning context, insofar as it is practical, teaching and learning will cover the same content and skills as in a traditional face-to-face classroom setting. However, the unique methodology and challenges of online teaching and learning requires a unique approach to assessment.
Assessment at ISY in a virtual learning context will be:
- Fair to students,
- Strive to develop an accurate picture of what a student is capable of in relation to ISY curriculum standards,
- Compassionate to students and acknowledge the unique challenges that each student faces in a virtual learning context.
It is important for teachers to assess student work and to provide feedback to students so they continue to grow academically. However, ISY teachers acknowledge the fact that teaching and learning virtually might not allow for the development of a fair and accurate picture of what a student is really capable of. ISY teachers are also very aware that circumstances beyond the control of the students may mean that students cannot always complete work to the best of their abilities.
In assigning final grades to students, ISY teachers will show compassion to students. This means that teachers will consider past academic performance to assign grades. This permits grades to better reflect what a student’s current academic performance would be in a traditional face-to-face classroom setting. In assigning final grades, ISY teachers will also take into account any other circumstance beyond the control of the students that will adversely affect academic performance.
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040