Happy Thadingyut

Mike Simpson
Secondary School Principal
October 11, 2024
Quarter 1 has finished! It has been a very busy and full 8 weeks.
Today, to observe World Mental Health Day, we had a whole school Chinthe Community Wellness Day. Students from Grades 2 to 12 worked and played together in their Chinthe Communities doing fun activities that promote wellness and good mental health. This was a great way to end the quarter together as we head into the Thadingyut break. It is important that we all recharge and come back refreshed for a busy Quarter 2.
After the Thadingyut Break we will move to our regular 5 day school week. Classess will begin at 8:30am and finish at 3:05pm.

ISY Featured: Service learning – A powerful vehicle for learning in Myanmar
Take a look at the ISY service learning article featured on Expat.com.

Parent Association Request
Secondary School Events
This week: No School – Thadingyut Break
Monday, October 21:
Quarter 2 begins
Tuesday, October 22
MS YAC Basketball Finals at ISY from 1pm
Thursday, October 24:
- Grade 12 Chinthe Expedition Parent Meeting at 5:00pm in the Multi-Purpose Room.
- Grade 11 Chinthe Expedition Parent Meeting at 6:00pm in the Multi-Purpose Room.
Friday, October 25:
- Quarter 1 Progress Report Cards live on Powerschool
YCI HS Volleyball
Saturday, October 26:
YCI HS Volleyball
Upcoming Events:
Quarter 1 Report Cards: October 25
Parent/Teacher Conferences: October 30 (no classes for students)
Spirit Week: October 28-November 1
Activities & Athletics
Here is a link to Ms.Rebekka Jensen’s Athletics and Activities Blog for up-to-date information regarding Activities and Athletics at ISY.

MAP Data
Measures of academic progress (MAP) testing is an internationally recognized standardized assessment tool that provides teachers with data to help support student learning. MAP data shows student growth and allows our teachers to plan and implement lessons to continue challenging and growing students through rigorous units of study.
ISY has completed our first round of MAP testing, which highlights strong growth across the school in math, reading, and language usage. As in previous years, ISY continues to perform well above the average for international schools, including those in South East Asia. An analysis of the data further indicates that students who have been at ISY over several years substantially outperform same age students on the international averages.

Chinthe Expeditions
We are very much looking forward to our Chinthe Expeditions.
Today, you will have received an introductory email to confirm the date and location of the expedition, provide you with an overview of what the students can expect to do during their expedition, and to gather some important student information.
A detailed travel and schedule itinerary will be provided to you at parents meetings scheduled for after the break as follows:
Grade 12 Chinthe Expedition Parent Meeting on Thursday, October 24 at 5:00pm in the Multi-Purpose Room.
Grade 11 Chinthe Expedition Parent Meeting on Thursday, October 24 at 6:00pm in the Multi-Purpose Room.
Grade 9 and 10 Chinthe Expedition Parent Meeting on Monday, October 28 at 5:30pm in the Multi-Purpose Room.
Grade 6, 7, and 8 Chinthe Expedition Parent Meeting on Tuesday, October 29 at 5:30pm in the Multi-Purpose Room.
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040