Secondary Principal’s Blog
September 18, 2020, Update

Christina Powers, Secondary School Principal
Now that we have a routine in place with virtual learning it is time to add some spice with our ASA’s and Service-Learning opportunities. Please make sure to review the opportunities that are available after school for your children. Signups will begin on Tuesday through Powerschool. Here is the link to ASA opportunities.
Those parents who missed the presentation on Google Classroom, please see the following:
Virtual Parent Social- September 24, 2020, Thursday at 5:30 PM
Come join the counselors and principals as we give a quick update on child protection at ISY, ways we are supporting your children and helping you get connected with other ISY parents through some fun activities! The zoom link will be emailed later in the week.
“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”
Bill Gates
This afternoon students, parents, and teachers received a feedback survey regarding synchronous learning. Please make sure to complete the survey as this information will be used to guide our virtual learning program. Synchronous Learning Online Survey
Extension Activities in Middle School
I would like to call attention to our ASA handbook that was sent out earlier today. Parents of Middle School Students should note that we have extension activities within our ASA program. Specifically, we have the following:
- Math Club on Thursdays at 3:00 PM
- Science Club on Tuesday at 2:00 PM
- Creative Writing Club Thursday at 1:30 PM
These clubs are a great way for our students to extend the skills they learn in class to a deeper level. Please make sure to review the ASA’s that will be on offer this term. Sign-ups will begin on Monday through PowerSchool.
The Learning Journey
In the upcoming weeks, your Middle School student will be introduced to a project that they will complete over the course of this school year.
The Learning Journey is a chance for your child to discover a passion and work towards a goal while documenting how they learn and receiving feedback from numerous sources. Students may choose to pursue anything that they are interested in and we highly encourage them to use this opportunity to explore something outside of their school curriculum. Students will have a faculty advisor that oversees their project and encourages them along the way.
We would like to invite the adults at home to ask their students about this project and invite them to share their successes and difficulties over the course of this school year.

The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040