ISY Procurement
ISY adopts a best value approach to procurement ensuring that the best quality services are provided at the best prices.

Procurement at ISY
The goal of the Business Office is to serve and support the ISY community, to further the strategic objectives of the school, and reduce operational and capital expenditures by:
- Providing professional, and effective purchasing services and support in order to obtain best value
- Leveraging ISY’s buying power through supplier management, contract negotiation, adoption of technologies, and collaborative buying
- Supporting ISY’s commitments to supplier diversity, ethical purchasing and business practices, and continuous improvement through regular review of our suppliers and their services and products.
Best Value vs. Best Price
The Best Price does not always reflect the Best Value. ISY uses a “Best Value” approach which is determined by evaluating the factors listed below. Any or all of these may be taken under consideration prior to committing to a significant/complex purchase.
- The price of the product or service
Provisions for on-going maintenance (e.g. life cycle costing) - Quality of the product or service, or its technical competency
- Reliability of delivery and implementation schedules including sole supplier and import issues
- Warranties, guarantees and return policy
- Supplier financial stability
- Industry and program experience
- Prior record of supplier performance and relationship with ISY
- Uniformity of inventory and compatibility with other system
- Supplier expertise with engagements of similar scope and complexity
- Experience and reputation in providing educational services and products
- Protecting the health and safety of ISY students
Strategic Partners
ISY is committed to developing strategic partnership with select vendors in specific areas of operations. The characteristics of a strategic vendor are:
- Provide products/services that provide impact on a large section of the community with significant spend.
- The top 50 vendors/expenditure within ISY. Areas of specific strategic importance (i.e marketing) may also be included.
Purchase of Goods and Services over $5,000:
Purchases which cost above USD 5,000 will require three quotations from three different suppliers and ,if appropriate, using the Request for Proposal process.
Opportunities can be found on our Current Tenders Page.
Procurement Review Cycle
Every four years, ISY undergoes a detailed review of its major service providers for various products and services. This process for this review is diagrammed below.

The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040