Health and Safety
Taking Precautions around H1N1

Posted by the ISY Communications Team
19 July 2019
At ISY we closely monitor any signs of viruses appearing in Yangon and as school begins, we want to maintain a safe and healthy environment for our students. In an effort to be proactive in this regard, we want to inform you of the following precautions we are implementing for the start of school.
First and foremost, if your child is feeling feverish or is showing signs of influenza, please do not send them to school. It is much better for them to recover at home.
If a student appears to be ill at school, they will be sent to the ISY clinic. Any child exhibiting a temperature will be sent home.
At the end of each day, all surfaces students come in contact with will be cleaned with a disinfectant. This includes desks, hand railings, tables, and counters.
Teachers will ask all elementary school students to clean their hands each morning, before and after recess and lunch, and after interaction with well used surfaces. Secondary school students will be strongly encouraged to wash their hands around similar events.
At ISY there are hand sanitizers placed throughout the school. While hand sanitizers are not as effective as washing with soap and water, they provide us with an added measure of proactive care and we strongly recommend students to use them.
Finally, if you know of any suspected cases of viruses in our school community including the H1N1, let us know so we can follow up with appropriate support. We will continue to update you if there is any further news regarding any viruses at school.
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040