Secondary Principal’s Blog
January 29, 2021, Update
Christina Powers, Secondary School Principal

This Week Transition Schedule

Please note that the transition schedule is different this week due to IB exams and Students WIthout Border Schedule. Student Transition Days are as follows:

Students Without Borders

February 1-5

Students without Borders week for students in grades 6-10 will take place February 1-5. Throughout this week students will be attending lessons from 8:30 AM-11:30 AM and have signed up to participate in optional activities in the afternoon. Students will be emailed their schedule with zoom links on Friday late afternoon. 

The purpose of the week is to explore a culture and learn more about ourselves.  As global citizens, it is important to understand different cultures in order to form connections and make positive meaningful impacts in our world. In order to do this, we must learn about other cultures as well as understand how our biases and behaviors impact others. Students will collaboratively explore both a chosen culture through a particular lens as well as examine what culture is and how it impacts our environment.  Within small groups, students will demonstrate their learning by creating or designing a product.

The week can be broken down into three components:

  • Collaboratively exploring culture through a particular lens
  • Learning about yourself- privilege, identity, and positionality
  • Optional outdoor, service, and physical activities

A detailed schedule with time and zoom links will be sent to students. For more information, have a look at the following site.

If you have any questions, please email

“Walk a mile in another person’s shoes; see the world through someone else’s eyes.”

Middle School Changes for Semester 2

Next week, during the in-person transition days students will be provided with their Semester 2 schedule which may be different from the first half of the school year. This updated schedule will be emailed to parents as well early next week.  This change is necessary for the following reasons:

1. As we are hoping to move to in person as soon as government approval is obtained, we need to prepare for this and large classes that have been hosted through zoom is not possible with in-person teaching.

2. Teachers who teach in both High School and Middle School are not able to remain on the same schedule.

3. The middle school Arts schedule will be significantly altered so that class sizes are small and personalized.

The semester two schedule will remain for both quarter 3 and quarter 4 of this school year. Please look forward to the new schedule which will be emailed home next week.

Mark Your Calander

  • IB Junior Parents Night (Grade 11 Students and Parents) on Tuesday, February 2 at 5:30 PM.
  • Quarter 2 report cards will be available through PowerSchool on Friday, February 5th.
  • Grade 11&12 Assessment Week continues next week.  Students are encouraged to take their assessments in person. (link)