Cultivating Curiosity:

Nurturing Young Minds through the Reggio Emilia Approach

In our early years programs at ISY, we have embraced the Reggio Emilia approach as a guiding framework for learning. We believe in a flexible curriculum, one that emerges from the genuine curiosity and inquiries of the children.  The Reggio approach has become that guide for all we do to meet the children’s needs. The heart of this approach was founded by Loris Malaguzzi and is captured in the verses of “The Hundred Is There.” Malaguzzi’s words resonate within the walls of ISY, echoing our belief that there are countless ways for children to express themselves. This approach has driven the creation of an educational system embraced by many education settings where children can unfold their potential through many forms of expression beyond mere words.

In the Reggio Emilia Approach, children are the architects of their own learning, they embark on projects born out of their interests, becoming active participants in a curriculum developed by them, not just for them. The Preschool classrooms at ISY buzz with the spirit of the Reggio approach. Teachers keenly observe and listen to the children, adapting the curriculum to match their ever-changing needs and evolving interests. In our classrooms, the arts hold a special place, serving as a powerful medium for self-expression. The outdoors are also a cherished classroom, connecting children with nature and their community, and there is a focus on Project-Based Learning, where children delve into long-term, in-depth projects inspired by their questions and passions.

In the Kindergarten classes at ISY, a Reggio-inspired project took flight—quite literally. Sparked by the student interest, an in-depth exploration of air travel began. Over weeks, the classroom transformed into an airport, complete with a bag scanner, ticket counter, and a make-believe airplane. The project has led learning in all areas with Math investigations, creative explorations, technology integration, and imaginary journeys. The students, fueled by deep questioning, eagerly anticipate an actual visit to the airport, their inquiry propelling their learning journey forward.

ISY’s learning environment is a testament to Reggio Emilia’s principles. An Atelier, which is an art studio, serves as an art space for creative expression, promoting exploration and discovery. Various corners, such as the Documentation Corner, showcase the children’s work, making their learning visible. Natural materials are integrated to stimulate sensory exploration, and dedicated spaces for reading, construction, and outdoor activities nurture diverse skills. The recent establishment of a light room and sensory space have added to the environment, which truly has become the 3rd Teacher. In the Reggio approach behind educators and families, physical spaces hold the potential to influence what and how children learn, therefore becoming a 3rd Teacher.

At ISY, we are eager to expand this transformative program and recently announced the launch of the Chinthe Cubs program for the upcoming school year. This initiative, aligned with the Reggio approach, will welcome 3-year-olds into our school. The emphasis will be on fostering the Reggio approach, with the key elements being cultivating a love for learning, fostering relationships through collaborative play, developing communication and social skills, and encouraging exploration of interests, questions, and ideas.

In this inclusive community at ISY, we envision a supportive ecosystem where children, parents, and teachers work hand in hand. The Chinthe Cubs program will provide consistency of care and education, ensuring a two-year journey for the three-year-olds. With curiosity as their guide and creativity as their compass, the children of ISY will continue to unfold their potential, creating a tapestry of learning that echoes the Mission and Vision of ISY and encompasses the spirit of Reggio Emilia.