ISY Elementary Blog
Elementary Update – February 21st, 2020

Sandy Sheppard, Elementary School Principal
Dear Parents,
We had wonderful attendance at the International Day at the weekend. I hope you enjoyed seeing all the pictures on the school facebook page. March will be a busy month with the Gala, Family Fun Night and the Field Days. We hope to see you all at the play, which will be held tonight and tomorrow night at 6:00 PM.
Check out the new art display cabinet opposite the office and the new location of our Pride of the Principal (POP) board.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Sandy Sheppard

Creativity at ISY.
A great home made costume.
We have lots of important events coming up:
21st/22nd February – Alice in Wonderland 6:00 PM, tickets 5,000 kyat
2nd March – No school
4th March – Grade 5 Violin Performance – 9:30 – 9:50 – stage near the Library
6th March – Elementary Field Days
6th March – ISY Gala
7th March – Family Fun Night
16th – 20th March – Spirit Week (more informtion to come)
13th – 17th April – Holiday
We have new art on the office windows, don’t they look fantastic!

New This Week
We have a new display cabinet outside the office to display our wonderful art projects.
We also have a new water play stand, to encourage more fun and experientation with water.
Grade 4 made bird boxes they look great in our environment.
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The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040