Athletics & Community Blog
Athletics & Activities Blog – February 7

After School Activities Begin Monday, February 14
The next session of After School Activities (ASAs) and Service Learning (SL) programs will begin Monday, February 14th. The new ASA brochure can be viewed here. Registration will begin at 7pm Tuesday evening, February 8th. Some ASAs will be online and some will be in-person. Zoom links will be sent out once registration closes.
The Online Registration Process
The After School Activity and Service Learning Program brochure can be found here, and can also be viewed directly on PowerSchool. Tomorrow night, Tuesday, February 8th at 7pm, After School Activity registration will open on PowerSchool. Registration will stay open until Thursday, February 10th and then close at 7pm.
There will be a ‘Waiting List’ option for ASAs that fill up. Students can choose to be added to a waiting list or select a different activity for that day and time. Activity waiting lists will be reviewed to decide if more sessions of any single activity can be added. Students will be taken off the waiting list and added to the actual activity if spaces become available. An email will be sent to parents on Friday with all of the student’s ASA selections and the Zoom links to each activity.
We strongly recommend you login to PowerSchool before registration opens to test your PowerSchool login. Before contacting the PowerSchool support team you could take a look at this handy guide on resetting your PowerSchool login. If that doesn’t work then please contact PowerSchool support at
We recommend that you review the ASA brochure with your child so that you know what activities your child wants to register for next week.
Please contact me at if you have questions about the upcoming ASA session.
Athletics and Activities – April 21, 2023
This week’s blog has information about upcoming athletics events and extra activities for elementary school students after school.
Athletics and Activities – April 7, 2023
This week’s blog has information on the recent athletics activities from the past weekend and changes to the facility schedule for the Thingyan break.
Athletics and Activities – March 31, 2023
This week’s blog has details about the Chinthe Summer Fun program, the previous week’s athletics and after school activity information.
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