Athletics & Community Blog
Athletics & Activities Blog – September 3

After School Activities Begin Monday, September 13
The first session of After School Activities (ASAs) and Service Learning (SL) programs will begin Monday, September 13th. The new ASA brochure can be viewed here. Registration will begin at 7pm Tuesday evening, September 7.
We are going to start with eight weeks of virtual ASAs, taking us up to November 12. Although we would all prefer to be on campus doing our ASAs in person, we actually had a lot of success with some very creative online programs last year. Some of those will continue – especially the SL programs – and others will be brand new! After session 1, some programs will continue into session 2, and others will go year-round, whether we are online or in person.
The Online Registration Process
On Tuesday, September 7 at 7pm, After School Activity registration will open on PowerSchool. Registration will close on Thursday, September 24 at 7pm.
There will be a ‘Waiting List’ option for ASAs that fill up. Students can choose to be added to a waiting list or select a different activity for that day and time. Activity waiting lists will be reviewed to decide if more sessions of any single activity can be added. Students will be taken off the waiting list and added to the actual activity if spaces become available. An email will be sent to parents on Friday with all of the student’s ASA selections and the Zoom links to each activity.
We strongly recommend you login to PowerSchool before registration opens to test your PowerSchool login. Before contacting the PowerSchool support team you could take a look at this handy guide on resetting your PowerSchool login. If that doesn’t work then please contact PowerSchool support at
We recommend that you review the ASA brochure with your child so that you know what activities your child wants to register for next week.
Please contact me at if you have questions about the upcoming ASA session.
Athletics and Activities – September 8, 2023
This week’s blog includes information on the athletic events at ISY and any upcoming events.
Athletics and Activities – September 1, 2023
This week’s blog continues information on recent and upcoming athletic events as well as ASA updates and some community sport opportunities.
Athletics and Activities – August 25, 2023
This week’s blog will have information on upcoming SEASAC athletics as well as YAC athletics for middle and high school. Information for ASAs is also included.
The International School Yangon
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Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040