Service Learning Blog
Service Learning – On the Right Track
Service learning is really beginning to take shape at ISY. Students are becoming more and more familiar with the 5 stages of service learning which are: Investigation, Preparation, Action, Reflection, and Demonstration.
ISY Flood Drive 2019
The Community in Action service learning group is having a flood drive, where materials including; soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, mosquito nets, blankets and basic English and Burmese books are to be collected school-wide.
Service Learning Update – September 9th
An update on the activities from our Service Learning Clubs. Read about Community Kitchen, UWS, and our Gardening Clubs among others.
Service Learning with Cathy Berger Kaye
In March this year, a representative group of teachers and administrators attended a three day workshop in Bangkok on integrating service learning into the curriculum. The facilitator of this workshop was Cathy Berger Kaye, a world authority on curriculum development...
UWS Fact Finding Mission
This week a group of 4 ISY staff visited the village of Wan Kong in Eastern Shan Sate on a fact finding mission. The group included Dr. Hedger, Nick Sturmey, Florent Robert and Gavin Ailes and they were accompanied by Dr Kay Khaing Win, the UWS country manager. UWS...
UWS Update
We are very excited to announce that the United World Schools team have now identified the village where the funds we have raised will be used to build a school and train teachers. The village is called Wan Kaung and it is in the hills in the Eastern part...
The Great ISY Ice Bucket Challenge
ISY is raising awareness and funds for the United World Schools project. United World Schools is a charity that builds schools in remote places where the children there would not otherwise have access to education.
The International School Yangon
20 Shwe Taungyar Street
Bahan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
+95 (0) 9 880 441 040